26. Cynthia

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"Hello class, we have a new student today. Sofia come here please and introduce yourself" Sofia's teacher spoke.

Mr. Ricci was a middle-aged man, tall, with green eyes and brown hair. He was speaking kindly and a gentle smile playing on his lips was inviting Sofia to speak.

Shit. She hated the idea of standing in front of everyone but it would be rude if she didn't so she took a deep breath and said. "Hi. My name is Sofia Sanzaro... it's nice to meet you guys" she said, without elaborating on anything. She knew that she should say something about where she's from or what's her hobby but she just didn't feel like opening up to a bunch of strangers.

"Already finished?" Mr. Ricci looked surprised by how brief her introduction was but he wasn't about to push her to speak if she didn't want to.

Unlike her classmates.

"Hey! I saw your face on TV!" The red-haired boy said pointing at her rudely.

"Hey me too, I think. Aren't you that missing girl from America?"

"Her, I recognize her as well!"

"Guys, do not overwhelm her. If she doesn't want to talk about it don't push it" Mr. Ricci warned "Besides class already started you will chit-chat during your break" he said with finality and clasped his hands to gather their focus.

Sofia was incredibly grateful for what he said.

"There's a free place next to Bruno, you can sit there" the teacher instructed.

The desks in this classroom looked interesting. They were long enough for two people to sit next to each other. She was very happy about sitting next to Bruno.

As Mr. Ricci started to explain what are they going to cover today Sofia focused on the lecture. Sometimes he would say words she couldn't understand but then Bruno was eager to help her with every term she was unfamiliar with.

Mr. Ricci also offered his help the moment the class started to do geometry exercises. Sofia received enough help and attention that she was able to find answers to some of the questions to her surprise. She wasn't the best at math. Nowhere near.

Bruno was a different story. He was amazing. When she was trying to figure out why this extremely smart boy was interested in her but her thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the school bell.

She was about to leave the classroom when she bumped into someone. It was a girl with blue eyes and long brown hair.

"Sorry," Sofia said quickly.

"Watch where you're going, bitch" the girl said with hostility.

Sofia's eyes widened with surprise.  Wasn't that a bit of overreaction? Regardless. She didn't want them to start on the wrong foot so she once again apologized hoping it will solve the issue.

"I'm sorry I really didn't see you"

The girl didn't respond. She gave her a long look full of disgust and left.

What the hell was that?!

"Hey, are you okay?" Bruno asked Sofia as they sat down on the corridor's bench.

"Yeah but I just don't understand that girl's reaction. Who is she?" She asked still concerned at how she was treated

"Cynthia Denaro. Pay her no mind she thinks that she can look down on people and treat others like shit because of her surname"

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