39. Mafia brothers

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"Don't be afraid, we would never hurt you, Fia" Francesco said gently because he noticed that Sofia is in the process of completely freaking out.

"You don't need to be scared of us, we will do everything to protect you, I promise" Valentino added.

"I just- I don't understand" she started stumbling on her words. That wasn't the plan. Sofia was supposed to say "crime family" and they should laugh at her. That was the plan.

She could feel Valentino rubbing her back in a calming manner, and she just focused on breathing. His presence was calming her down, she realized.

"You will understand, you just need to give us time to explain. But first, it's important for you to understand why we're revealing this information" Francesco requested gently. "It's because we want to make sure you understand the danger you're in. There are people who want our money and influence. We have enemies" Francesco explained.

Ok, that didn't calm her down at all.

"But what if I do everything right and follow every safety measure but still get attacked? What do I do in that situation?" She asked absolutely terrified.

"We will make sure that won't happen" Alessandro assured darkly.

"But what if it happens?" she pressed "What do I do? Should I carry a gun as Valentino does?" She asked, panicked.

"Absolutely not," all three of them said simultaneously and Sofia was taken aback. What was their problem?

"Why not? What if-" Sofia started speaking quickly in an anxious voice.

"Valentino has proper training, we didn't just give him a gun one day without making sure he knows how to use it well" Francesco interrupted her. There was a firmness to his voice.

"Do I get to train then?" Sofia wanted to clarify.

"Definitely not right now. You have Raul who carries a gun with himself. Protecting you is his job and ours" Alessandro responded.

"Is it because I'm crazy?" Sofia asked in a hurt voice, everyone looked at her shocked. Maybe Alessandro didn't want her to have a gun because of her mental issues. 

"What? No. Of course not" Alessandro said.

"Then why not? At least train me, so I know how to protect myself!" Sofia said, frustrated

"Weapons are dangerous. We don't want you to get hurt by accident" Alessandro explained.

"Valentino could too and yet he got his training," she said annoyed. 

Her brothers saw that she's not going to back down and Francesco was the one who gave up first. 

"I can take you to the shooting range in my free time but you will not be allowed to have a gun outside or use it without supervision for a long time," he said.

"How long exactly?" She asked curiously.

"Valentino started shooting when he was 10 he got a gun for his 16 birthday. So at least 6 years" Francesco said.

"Are you serious?!" Sofia gasped. It didn't seem like a fair deal.

"Do you want to learn or not?" Alessandro raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a challenge in his eyes.

Sofia guessed that beggars can't be choosers, so she nodded wordlessly.

"I want to. Please teach me"

"It's settled then. Is there anything you'd like to ask us?"

"Do you hurt people? Kill people?" She asked quietly, worried about the answer she will get.

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