13. Lost Memories

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We cannot live in the past, nor can we re-create it. Yet as we unravel the past, the future also unfolds before us, as though they are mirrors without which neither can be seen or happen.
-Judy Grahn

Sofia looked around and really didn't know where to start explaining how the room looked like. The fancy tapestry was made in light blue color, the huge window showed the beautiful landscape of an olive tree orchard and the sea on the horizon. Most importantly the room didn't look tacky, despite the decorations, its design was simple. Nothing here was loud maybe except the chandelier above the table.

When they sat at the long table made of dark, polished wood Sofia's curiosity got better of her.

"So why do you guys live in the castle?" She felt the need to ask.

Valentino started laughing, Francesco snorted, Alessandro's lips lifted a little.

The oldest sibling started explaining since he was the best acquainted with the family history "We're from the patrilineal lineage of the House of Savoy. Our ancestor was the king's brother. Naturally, the monarchy has been abolished and so are the titles. But in the sixties, our grandfather got very invested in the real estate business. Later when he successfully started the company he wanted to get back some of our lost properties, specifically the ones in Sicily"

"That's fascinating" Sofia's eyes were shining, she loved history.

"If you're interested we have several books about our family history stored in the library. I can show you where exactly" Francesco suggested and smiled fondly at Sofia's excited nod.

Then, Clara appeared with food. She prepared pasta with tomato sauce and eggplant.  Sofia was both focused on how the food melts in her mouth and she was also deeply lost in her thoughts.

Sofia realized that even though her situation seemed perfect now it was far from it. Yes, she has found her brothers and they were insanely rich but she could still go back to Paul any minute now. She didn't trust her brothers, she just met them. She didn't know what to expect from them but she was certain Paul still had legal custody over her and if he notified the police her status as a missing person would resume.

She knew the incident with hijacking and the gun Valentino had at school was something out of ordinary but she didn't know yet why they behaved in such a weird way.

Suddenly she heard someone calling her name.


"Y-yes? What was the question?"

"I asked how did you find us?" Francesco repeated. The three pairs of eyes were looking at her intensively and suddenly she didn't know what to say.

"Um... I mean. I found the name of my grandma in my mother's passport. Ida Sanzaro, right? She had a B&B once, I've discovered an old website with her address. After I arrived to Catania I travelled to Taormina just to find an abandoned building. At this point I decided to ask a neighbor if they know something. I was very lucky to find nonna Rosa who helped me out, she explained to me that grandma died and that I have three brothers. Without her, I don't know what would happen to me"

"Then we will remember and repay for her help," Alessandro said in a decisive voice.

"Catarina never mentioned us?" Francesco asked, he looked hurt.

"Nothing, I'm sorry. When I asked why she didn't choose an Italian name for me she said she wants to forget everything about Italy" Sofia added trying to point out that mother ever since she left Italy she tried to suppress any memory of where she comes from. But trying to forget memories of one's past must be exhausting. No wonder she started drinking.

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