16. Olive Trees

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Sofia couldn't believe she could be at this house for free. For her, it still looked more like a tourist attraction than a house, as if she suddenly appeared in one of the videos of the expensive house tours she used to watch on YouTube. But whenever the feeling of excitement, happiness, or wonder appeared it was quickly crushed by fear. Fear that Paul will appear and take it all away from her. For now, she pushed away from the feeling of guilt and loss she felt whenever thoughts about mom or Elio appeared in her head. Sofia after all still had to exist within the frame of her survival mode. This was not over yet.

After the conversation with Alessandro and Francesco instead of going back to her room, she started exploring the mansion.

Sick curiosity got better for her and she was amazed by this mysterious and beautiful house. She wish they had or something like a pepper spray laying around but of course that wasn't the case.

So she started to explore. Sofia was impressed with the interior. The white walls were beautifully composed of rustic furniture made from dark oak. She felt like she suddenly traveled to a different reality. She was a princess lost in an overwhelmingly huge and beautiful castle but it's the house she's going to live in from now on.

"Sofia, how do you like our library?" Francesco asked smiling brightly, he appeared out of nowhere causing Sofia to jump in fear.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snoop in I was just curious how the house looks like"

"Being curious about your new house is perfectly natural. Speaking about the interior. Is there anything you would like to add to your room?" he asked.

"There's nothing to change. Everything is just so beautiful" Sofia responded honestly. Sofia wasn't sure if she sees it correctly but it might be that the sadness crossed his face for a moment.

"Have you seen the garden?" Francesco asked. Sofia shook her head "Let's go then"

She followed him and quickly understood why Francesco wanted to take her there. There was an orchard of olive trees outside of the house, they were planted through the piece of huge land behind the house. Yes, she saw some of the beauty of it while they were eating in the dining room but the view was even more impressive when she was outside and she could admire the landscape from all sides.


"Clara is sometimes making a homemade olive oil she will show you how if you want"

Sofia came closer to the nearest tree and picked one olive. She didn't notice how Francesco is watching her with an amused expression. She took the olive to her mouth hoping it will be a slightly fresher taste of those she ate well preserved from the can.

"Ekh" she made a grimace and spit the fruit on the ground "it's bitter" she explained disappointed not appreciating the light chuckle she heard.

"They're really tasty once processed"


"Yes sir?" The maid asked materializing out of nowhere "

"My sorellina is so hungry she's starting to eat raw olives from the trees"

He referred to me as his sorellina. Sofia blushed, she hated how she tended to go beetroot red whenever someone makes her feel embarrassed.

"I will prepare something to eat then" housekeeper promised and got to work.

"Wait you're going out?"

"I need to work kiddo"

"Kiddo? I'm seventeen"

"And still ten years younger than me so I get to choose what I'm calling you, if you won't stop complaining I will start calling you shorty"

"Rude. Francesco?"


"What's with my school? I mean I can't stay in this house forever right?" She asked looking at him anxiously.

"You won't. Our lawyers are taking care of the custody case while Alessandro has a little dispute with your stepfather. As soon as the custody is settled we will take care of your education. Speaking of each do you prefer homeschooling or classical high school"

"I prefer to attend school"

"Okay then. I will let Alessandro know"

Ms. Giordano (Clara's surname) was an elderly woman with a kind smile.

"Is there anything you want to eat?" Clara asked.

"I don't know... whatever you make it's fine"

They ended up in the kitchen and Sofia with unhidden fascination listened to the process of making lasagne.

„Clara?" Sofia asked taking a bite of the plated food.

„What is it, darling?" Sofia smiled at the term of endearment she used it meant

"Do you know any beach somewhere nearby? I want to go on the walk after dinner"

She looked slightly worried all of sudden. "Sofia, it's late already, and cold. You can't just go alone. You need Alessandro's permission to leave the house"


Clara was about to respond but she was interrupted by someone loudly barging into the kitchen.

"Valentino, where have you been all day?"

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