63. Therapy Session

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"How did you enjoy the party last night?" Felice asked with curiosity in his voice.

"It was... interesting. I opened up to my brothers about someone from my past" she admitted reluctantly.

It piqued Felice's interest "What happen when you told them?" 

"They were really supportive and kind about it" Sofia smiled, recalling the situation. "But I don't want to go into details," she said quickly recalling her conversation with Francesco.

Felice nodded with agreement and changed the topic.

"How have you been sleeping lately?"

"Better. Alessandro started teaching me piano and it's helpful, I realized that I like to play, even when he's not around" She said, thinking fondly about the piano room. Alessandro said she had potential, Sofia had no idea what it meant but her brother wasn't a person who would say empty compliments.

Sofia was sad that it's the last session but she also felt that she can open up a bit more so they focused on discussing her mother's addiction, Sofia was so consumed in letting the weight off her chest she almost hadn't noticed when the session ended.

When they had 15 minutes left Felice surprised her with his question.

"Sofia, I'd like to ask you something and this might be difficult for you but I really need you to answer me" he started with a very serious voice. Sofia stiffened. What now?


"What do you know about my brother?" he said in a calm, levelled voice but there was something dangerous in his eyes.

Oh shit. Shock crossed her face.

"What do you mean? Why would I know something about your brother?" Sofia asked trying to sound normal however Felice wasn't easily fooled.

About which one he was asking about? Cesare or Anastasio? In both cases, she couldn't answer him. Shit, shit, shit.

"Your behaviour at the banquet was unusual. When my brother's face was shown your body went rigid you stopped breathing, your eyes widened in shock. Your body language screamed that you know something. I was sitting at the table right next to you I heard how your brother asked if everything was alright. Now I am asking what do you know about my brother?" Felice asked in a quiet voice.

"I don't know anything about him," Sofia said, and because she didn't know how to lie she looked away.

He didn't believe her.

No, she didn't want their sessions to end on a bad note. But she also didn't trust him enough to say anything about Anastasio.

"I'm sorry to hear that but I'm telling the truth"

His eyes went darker the kindness from his voice was gone "Until now I didn't consider the possible involvement of the Ianniello family in my brother's disappearance. Sofia, I need you to understand how serious this is"

Sofia stood up "listen, I don't appreciate my therapist threatening me," she said harshly "I am going home"

"You will answer my question" Felice replied, there was a certainty in his voice.

"And if I don't?" She challenged.

"Your friend Bruno is going to have an accident" Felice replied simply, but it was a threat. He said it so casually.

That made Sofia sit down. She took a deep breath. She could barely process what was happening right now.

Sofia's eyes narrowed. She needed to play it cool.

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