7. Bella

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Sofia didn't want to bother nonna Rosa too early so she decided to walk around the city and go to nonna's place around the evening.

Few hours of sleep and food sounded like heaven to her. She was so grateful to Bruno for offering her that. After all, she was just a stranger, he had no reason to help her, and yet he did. He had a good heart.

She knew very well that she's using that women's and her grandson's kindness and she felt like a beggar for not being able to refuse Bruno's offer. She knew she will need to repay them in the future for all they did for her. It was a miracle that she found them. What would happen if she didn't? If she was all of her own? She didn't know how to survive on the streets.

She didn't know how to get food, how to find shelter, how to wash her hair in a public bathroom, and on that topic, she was starting to stink.

She looked at the water bottle she received on the plane two days ago and it was almost empty. She should've first drink at the cafeteria and then go to talk to Valentino.

She hid her face in her hands embarrass by her own stupidity. She's a homeless teenager escaping a murderer she needed to start acting smarter or she will end up as one of the girls in Paul's brothel or worse. Like, mother.

No, don't think about it. Sofia scolded herself. She couldn't break down right now. It was not the time.

When the sky reached pitch-black color she was at her absolute limit and she decided it's time to start walking towards Rosa's house.

Unfortunately, something stopped her.

With the corner of her eyes, she noticed the headline of the newspaper. "Missing American Teen Last Seen At Catania Airport". There was a huge picture of her face printed in black and white on the first page of the local newspaper.


Sofia looked around frantically to see if anyone is looking at her. Some people sent suspicious glances towards her. There was a grandpa who looked like he's about to ask her about something. This is when she entered the panic mode. She pulled her blue hoodie over her head and started running.

Change of plans.

Now she couldn't go to Nonna's house. Someone from school for sure would report to the police that they saw her with Bruno. Police will show up at Rosas place even if she won't call for them.

She absolutely couldn't let them catch her because that would mean coming back with Paul to the US.

But she also had nowhere to go. Her dangerous encounter with her supposed family member left her disillusioned that she will receive any help from them. She was completely, utterly alone.

After hours of walking without purpose, she ended up in the park. It was already very late and considering it was a middle of January - cold as fuck.

Sofia was exhausted and out of the lack of options, she lied down on the green park bench. Despite the cold weather she slowly started drifting away into sleep.

Until she smelled something not so pleasant. A mix of alcohol and what was that? A dried pee? Someone was touching her. Someone's smelly hand was touching her.

Her eyes flew wide open and she scrambled off the bench backing down from the drunk man who just approached her. Now his hands was lifted up as if he was trying to tell he won't hurt her.

"Hey don't be like that I just wanted to talk" he slurred and started slowly walking towards her.

She quickly started walking away from him unable to say a word.

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