70. She's a ray of sunshine

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"What the hell are you doing here? What happened to your face?" Sofia snapped, watching with furrowed brows her ex-therapist.

He had a big black eye. Someone has beaten him up.

"I came here to talk, and apologize" Felice replied. "Your brothers invited me since you're having trouble with adjusting to your new... home" he said.

"It's not my home. It's a prison and you can fuck off, I don't need your help" Sofia said with her fists clenched.

"So you're a ray of sunshine to everyone, that's sweet," Rosario said with amusement and patted her head. "Talk with Felice nicely, no need to bite his head off. We will do that for you if he won't be able to help you" he said his threat casually in a happy-go-lucky voice. Terrifying. And he didn't explain how Felice got hurt.

With that, he left. Alessio and Emilio followed him wordlessly.


Now that they were alone, Sofia looked questioningly at Felice.

"May I sit here?" He asked referring to the white armchair that was situated next to her bed. It was suppose to be used as a space for reading but she guessed it was perfect for home therapy.

Sofia nodded and she sat on her bed, right in front of Felice.

"Your brothers did a background check on you and found out about me. Before I agreed for our meeting I told them everything about our conversation"

"Everything? But why would you tell on yourself?" Sofia was confused. Did that mean Felice told them about Anastasio? Why would he do that?

"Because I wanted to make it easy on you. That way you don't need to tell them"

"And they're fine with us meeting each other?"

"Not quite. They said they're giving me a chance to apologize to you but if you will ask them they will find you another therapist. Besides" Felice continued, "I think your brother is waiting for me with a gun if I dare to say something wrong to you right now" He chuckled humorously and Sofia smiled gently.

"What happened to Anastasio?" Sofia was scared to ask but she had to.

"I found him and he wasn't happy because that asshole has to do everything alone but he lives with me, in a secure location. I'm keeping him safe so don't worry about him" Felice said smiling gently.

"He hates me, right?" Sofia asked quietly.

"No. He's a bit pissed off since he's forced to catch up with the school material but other than that I don't think he's really angry at you. He missed my company even if he doesn't want me to know this" Felice smirked and sent her a wink.

Sofia nodded slowly.

It was Felice's turn to ask questions and under his gaze, Sofia's felt like she was being under an X-ray while being under his intense gaze.

"You're not angry at me, I want to talk about that" he stated.

"Why? Would you prefer if I were angry?" Sofia asked, feeling uncomfortable with where this conversation is going.

"Yes," he stated simply.

"Why?" She asked furrowing her brows.

"Because that would be a healthy reaction, I've hurt you, you should respond with anger"

"I guess... I'm just used to being hurt. You're not trying to hurt me now so why should I be angry at you?" Sofia muttered, looking away. 

She had priorities. There's a limited number of people she could fight with. Her fight with the Denaro brothers was taxing already, she didn't need to make it harder for herself. Not at all.

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