Ch. 18: Letting Go

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Ayaara's P.O.V.

I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply.

It felt like for a brief moment all the weight from my shoulders had lifted.

It was short-lived though since I realized what I was doing and the way Yasir placed his large hands on my back several seconds later, as though I'd caught him off-guard.

"I-I'm sorry," I uttered timidly as I pulled back.

He didn't say anything, but I could feel him looking at my face.

He then cleared his throat quietly, his gaze on the tall buildings, "It's hard to remember who you were before they left," there was a distant look in his eyes, "Time is fleeting... It isn't fair to let others take away from your now. Don't let them diminish who you are."

His head turned towards me, "You are a woman with good morals. You never want to do anyone wrong, but you are hurting yourself by not letting go of what is gone."

He was looking into my eyes with his core-reaching intensity.

"You can't let their leaving you determine who you are and who you will be. You have to get up by yourself, for yourself, Ayaara."

Yasir's P.O.V.

As she processed my words quietly, I picked up my coffee and stood up.

"We should get going."

She nodded slowly and followed me to my car.

It was a silent ride to her flat. She looked as though her mind was occupied the whole time.

She was about to open the car door when I spoke, "Ayaara, my mother would like to invite you over for dinner tomorrow. She wants to cook for you. You can bring Sheryl. I'm not sure if you remember him, but my friend Armaan will be there too. There won't be anyone else."

"Aunty shouldn't take any trouble. I can bring the food."

"She wants to cook in your honor. She is very happy that you are back in London."

She smiled, "In that case, I won't turn her down. I'll see you tomorrow."

I unlocked the doors while informing her, "A driver will arrive at 6."


"It is no trouble."

Her mouth opened to counter me, but her gaze met my unwavering one, making her sigh silently and nod.

"Thank you for the dinner. Goodnight."


Ayaara's P.O.V.

"So, you just came back from a romantic date with Yasir," Sheryl said as a matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "It wasn't a date."

"Right. Just two really attractive friends having dinner by themselves then going on a stroll to the park. Mhm. Not a date. Totally not a date."

Friends. Hm, I guess Yasir and I are friends.

"Sherry..." I gave her a knowing look.

"Fine," she huffed.

"His mom is holding a dinner for me tomorrow. You're invited too. It'll be just us and Yasir's friend."

"Wow, a royal invitation from the Amir residence! I'm going! But, if I'm being honest babe, I'm more excited to see Yasir up close and personal than his mansion or have his mum's food. How did he say my name when he told you I could come?" she cleared her throat then imitated a manly voice, "'Sheryl' or," she then lowered her pitch even more, "'Sheryl?'"

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