Ch. 34: Eating Words

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Ayaara's P.O.V.

Faris was the last person I expected to see here.

He pulled his hoodie down and walked over, concerned, "What are you doing here so late by yourself?"

"Nothing, I- what are you doing here? It's almost three in the morning."

"Exactly. Is everything alright?" He searched my eyes.

"I just, uh, couldn't sleep, so, I, um, came here."

His gaze lingered on my face before travelling to the water, sighing quietly, "Same."

"What's wrong?"

He shook his head slowly before looking at me with a small closed-mouth smile, "Just trouble sleeping. That's all."

I nodded understandingly before asking, "How are things going with Khala and Khalu?"

"Good... I live with them now."

"Oh, nice."

We both stared at the water.

"Things were a little uneasy first, but it's more relaxed now."

"That's good."

"It's all thanks to you."

"I didn't do anything."

"Yes, you did. They didn't even want to see my face, but you helped us reconcile. But deny it all you want, Ayaara," a smile tugged on his lips, "I know you won't take credit for it anyway."

I chuckled softly.

He continued quietly, "Amu made roast and polao the other day. She thought of you while making it since it's your favorite. She was saying how it was so nice to see you that day."

"Tell her that I miss her roast and polao and that I was happy seeing her too."

"Will do."

After a moment of silence, he studied my face, "I remember you used to come here when you had a lot on your mind... Is there something bothering you?"

"I'm alright. Thanks, Faris." I flashed a small smile, which he returned.

We kept quiet for a while until he chuckled.


"Do you remember that night? When I first found out you come here?"

I laughed softly at the memory.

"It was near the end of your freshman year at Oxford. Zoya and I slept over at your family house after we were over to have dinner with you, Zahid Bhai, and Mehwish Bhabi. Everyone went to sleep, but I had a feeling you were up. You were quiet all night, so I knew something was wrong, but you went to your room before I could ask you. You weren't answering my texts so I got up to check on you. When I was going to your room, I saw you muttering something to yourself as you went outside," he scrunched his face with a smile, "I was like, 'What on earth is she saying? Who is she talking to? Where is she going?!' It was one in the morning. I thought you were sleep walking, hence I followed you. Then you got into a car, so then I followed the car using mine. When I saw you got out at the bridge here, I parked and as I got closer to you, I got scared. You were saying all these things that I couldn't understand. I was afraid of breaking you out of your trance-"

"I wasn't in a trance!"

"I know," he chuckled, "But in that moment, I wasn't too sure. Anyway, I put my hand on your shoulder and then you turned around and screamed, so I screamed. We were both screaming."

"Faris! What are you doing here?!" I exclaimed after I realized the hand on my shoulder belonged to him.

"Me?! What are you doing here?! What were you even saying to yourself?!"

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