Chapter 57: We'll go home

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Laila's POV

My mind was hazy and foggy ever since I woke up. I tried taking deep breaths to ease the slight pain I'm feeling. 


There's a hint of panic in Jer's voice. He rushed to my side and seeing him, my pain suddenly disappear. He'd been like this since earlier. Taking care of me as if I'm a fragile vase that will easily break.

"Did you go to work?" I asked him.

He gave me an annoyed look, "Why would I go to work when you are here."

I was suddenly dumbfounded. He took a sigh before fixing the pillow and helping me get comfortable. "Where's Clarisse?"

"Oh, she left a while ago with Tina," I answered.

"You should have called for me when they left." he nags at me. His hands caress my cheeks and I can see the sadness in his eyes. 

I let out a yawn that came out unexpectedly. 

"Are you still tired after sleeping for so long?" he chuckled.

I pout, "I can't help it. It's probably because of the meds given to me"

"Then just rest, I'll stay here by your side."

"Aren't you going back home?" 

"No, how can I go home when someone here can't sleep without me," he flatly said, giving my forehead a light flick.

I glared at his comment but let it slide. It must have been a shock for Jer what happened to me. He's probably blaming himself right now.

 I move and made a space.

"Then sleep here with me," I said, tapping the empty space I made.

"It will be uncomfortable for you." 

"But I can't sleep without you by my side," I gave my best puppy dog eyes I know he can't resist.

Soon enough a triumph smile spread on my lips as he lay down beside me. Taking advantage of the limited space, I nuzzle against him, laying my head on his chest as he wraps an arm around me. I listened to his heartbeats, the sound calming me down.

"Laila, you know I'm afraid of losing you," Jer said in a hushed tone, "But what I'm most afraid of is you being unhappy by my side."

"I am happy being with you." I deadpan said to him. 

Why is he suddenly in a pensive mood?

"Then don't endure things alone." 

"Did Clarisse tell you anything?" it's got to be this reason for him to be like this. "Is this related to what she said about me breaking up with you?"

I raised my head and looked at him directly in the eyes.

" Yeah, you left me because you've had enough and hated me." his voice cracked as he tells me.

I got irritated. I pinched both of his cheeks before saying, "I don't know why that happened but I would never hate you. Stop thinking that."

"Why didn't you tell me anything about what Roxane did?" his voice was a little weird because of my pinching.

I let go of his cheeks. So Clarisse confessed that to him.

"It wasn't a big deal." I shrugged.

"Not a big deal?" he snapped at me. "She was making things difficult for you."

"Jer if I did something, what if I just complicate things for you. Everyone's out looking for a flaw to drag you down." I reason to him.

"I don't care about that. You should have told me. Or you don't have enough faith and trust in me. Do you think I'm that easy to be bullied?"

I stared at him. How can I be deserving of this guy? He may have a nasty personality but he's always been assertive while I always overthink. I'm also afraid of losing him, so unknowingly I started telling white lies to cover up anything that may cause a rift between us. I'm afraid that he'll grow tired of me so I always made sure to be that perfect supporter for him. 

Was I foolish for being that way? 

"Because I'm also afraid of losing you. You've always given me more than enough and I wanted to do something for you and the only thing I can think of is to be your biggest support. I'll be the one that will absorb all your pain and your negativity. I can't always be your sunshine but I'll always try to be your comfort.'" I honestly told him.

He tucked strayed hair behind my ears. "But how can you be my support if you are sacrificing something. I'm treating you like my empress so don't lower yourself, especially to others."

My eyes widen at his words. He almost never use a harsh tone on me. This time I know that I may have done something stupid. What was I overthinking? I should have known better. 

Jeremy's my sun. He'll always shine bright and give me warmth. Something I always craved for.

"I'm sorry," I apologized before giving him a light kiss on his lips.

He groaned the moment I pull off, "You think that was enough to appease me?"

"I'm still sick remember." I reminded him. 

He held me tight as I let myself be comfortable. Sleep is finally returning to me.

"Laila promised me that you'll tell me everything. Even trivial matters. Don't underestimate the power of my love." he pleaded. "Don't just endure things and don't disappear on me."

"If I have known you'll say cheesy lines to me like this I would have said things earlier. I would always whine and crave your attention." I amusedly said.

"Because you're stupid." he deadpan.

"But I know you love this stupid," I retorted.

This familiar feeling, his scent his warmth, I have memorized it all and this feeling brings me comfort. But why am I suddenly having this ache in my heart, as if longing for this? 

It's like finding my way home after being lost. I tried ignoring it and focused on Jer's steady breathing. He's finally able to rest. I didn't say anything but it was obvious how tired and haggard he's been. 

"Jer, can we go home soon. I'm fine now and I don't want to stay here any longer" I whispered.

I wasn't expecting any answer thinking he was already deep in sleep. But as if programmed his hold on me tightens as he answered, "We'll go home."

It put a smile on my face.

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