Chapter 29: My life in the cell

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Laila POV

The following days after the event had been long and dragging.

Police had now done an official invistigation of what happened at the hotel and had manage to reveal that Henry had nothing to do with it. The staffs who claimed they were abused by Henry also confessed the truth which help in our case against Mortez. Somehow he took all the blame and had Monica go off though I doubt that after this all die down she'll be quiet.

"Just when I'm finally getting used with my life in the cell." Henry joked.

He stretched his arms enjoying the freedom outside the police station as we wait for the car to arrive.

I slightly punched his arm which had no effect on him.

"I'm just joking." he turn to me with a serious look, "Thank you Laila."

"It's nothing. You had helped me before so I'm doing what I can now to help you out." I said to him.

"How did you manage to do it when my lawyer can't." he asked. Then his eyes widen as if he already figured out what I did. "Don't tell me you asked for that man's help!"

I know who he is talking about and O'm thankful I haven't gone to that resolve though I know he'll hate the same what I had done to get him out of jail.

"I'll tell you when we get back at your place." I simply said.

He wasn't convinced by my answer but any questions he had, he kept it until we arrived at his place. I had asked some people to clean the place up. Unlike me, he owns his own house. Clarisse had an important meeting so she'll come by later.

Henry said he'll take a quick shower first and here I am pacing back and forth as I tried to think the best way to break down to Henry what happened.

Why are you nervous?

Did you do anything stupid? Yes.

Why the hell are you scared of telling Henry?

My head feels like splitting in half. O was so busy that I hadn't notice Henry came back at the room.

My phone rings and without looking who the caller is I answered. Something I regret doing.

"Where are you?" Jer's demanding voice boomed through my phone.

"I'm here at Henry's place." I grunted.

I can hear him sigh in disbelief. I can almost imagine the expression he have on his face right now.

"Why are you there?" he questioned.

"I'm helping him, remember? We still have things to settle against Mortez and his lawyer is also here." I lied.

"Sir, everyone is ready." I can hear Mars voice.

"Jer, you're busy and so am I. Just focus on your work. Clarisse is also here." I told him.

Upon hearing her name the moment she steps in, Clarisse raised an eyebrow at me.

I hung up before Jer can say anything else.

"Who are you talking to?" Henry asked. My heart skipped a beat.

"Yeah, who are you talking?" Clarisse inquired. I gave her a look to stop asking but she didn't get that I want her to keep silent and not ask anymore.

"Just someone from work" I told them.

"From work?" Clarisse questioned.

Why can't I just say that Jeremy called me?

A Writer's BillionaireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora