Chapter 35: Need to cover up each other

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Laila POV

"I told you they had a fight"

The sound of Fern's voice brought me out of my reverie. I heard Jer sigh beside me. Fern looked between me and Jer with a worried expression.

"I don't think we need to meddle dear," her husband said.

Here I am having dinner with Jer's family. Fern had been asking me to come over the moment I got back but Jer then had to go abroad for some conference. I can go alone but that would mean I'll deal with his family alone. So postponed and waited for him to come back.

"Mom, how can you be sure," Jer said, his tone laced with a silent warning to his mom.

"Of course, I know. Laila was never like this whenever she come visit before," Fern stated, she then looked at the two of us with narrowed eyes. "It feels like there is something else you two are hiding."

"Both of them are probably tired. You made them come here knowing they're busy," Jer's dad defended us.

"Well I'm just bothered but what I saw at the tabloids earlier. There was an article saying you two broken up already." Fern continued.

"What article?" Jer questioned. "Why are you even reading such a thing mom?"

"Can't help it that everyone else sees it that way. It says you were only dating because you two need to cover up each other due to that incident that happened." the way she looked at us, I swear she's silently grilling us for answers.

Jer and I glanced at each other.

It's a no-brainer that his mother is hinting something at us. Could she know about our deal? But if she knows I'm sure we'll already hear an earful of lectures from her.

I stared at the man beside me. Maybe all of this was my fault. I agree with this deal of us and yet I'm not actually doing a great job in convincing people that I'm inlove with him. What if Tan heard of it and questions him. As much as I hate him, I don't want to meddle in his business and be the reason for him to lose anything. And there's that issue about me. I still need Jer.

This is probably the first time I actually looked at him straight. His eyes show how much tired he has been yet you won't notice it at first glance. But he still looks the same five years ago, that same aura he emits that I once fall for.

"Mom-" Jer started but I cut him off.

"Probably my fault," I finally speak up. "I'm always busy that I neglected my boyfriend."

My boyfriend. I can see that joy dancing in Jer's eyes as I said it.

"It's alright Laila. It's good you are having everything you want in life. You have your dreams to fulfil," Jer's dad said to me. His voice shows genuine concern and admiration for me.

"But honey, " Fern hissed at her husband warning him about something.

"Oh stop it already. They are both adults. They both have their own careers. You just missed having Laila just like five years ago," both me and Jer froze at his statement.

Five years ago.

When my world revolves around Jer. When all I did was wait for him and not question my life.

"I'm really sorry," I apologize.

"Oh, there's nothing to be sorry about," Fern reach out to me. "I know you are at the peak of your career and I'm not getting any younger. I guess I just miss the time when Jer was still a little kid running around and holding on to me. Hearing the sound of a baby's laughter."

I gave an awkward smile. I now get where this is going.

"Mom!" Jer snapped. His mom glared at him for a moment. "How about we continue eating. Laila hadn't eaten that much."

"Fine, fine" she gave up.

There was a silent atmosphere that hover around us as we continue to eat. Jer would put more food on my plate telling me I need to eat more as I probably hadn't eaten much during my tour.

After dinner, both Jer and his dad talked about business. I decided to help clean up. Jer's mom had a phone call. The maids were all reluctant to let me help to say I can just relax because this was their job but I insist on helping. After that, I walk around and saw Jer sitting outside at the balcony.

Is he smoking? I thought. I walked towards him and saw that he was just out there sitting.

He hadn't noticed me yet. There was a small coffee table just behind his seat. I sat there watching him. What could this man be thinking about so deeply? My body just moved on its own as my hands wrapped around him from behind. He was startled. I hold on to him tightly, my face buried at the nook of his neck.

His hands touch my head, "Hey, what's wrong?"

I don't know what's wrong. I don't even have an idea why I did it.

"You're mom's watching," I lied.

He slowly turns and looks behind us, "You're right."

What? I looked up and saw that his mom was indeed watching us from behind.

"I'm sorry about earlier. My mom's just crazy," Jer apologized.

I didn't say anything as I let him hold on to me too.

Fern POV

"What are you doing standing here?" my husband asked as he emerged from his study room.

"Shhh" I point my finger to the balcony. He followed and saw what I want him to see.

"See, your suspicion is wrong," he said. " They seem on good terms."

"Yes, but there is just something odd. I've seen those two being in love before and this was nothing to that," I stated.

"That was five years ago. Laila has a career of her own. You don't want her to run as she did before," he flat-out told me.

I remember that day. I can see the pain in her eyes and I just don't want that to happen again but, "I just can't put my fingers on it but there is absolutely something."

"Stop meddling with the two of them," he warned me.

"Don't you want your son to settle down and start a family of his own?" I questioned him.

"I doubt Laila would want to have a baby if that's what you are actually implying."

"No that's not what I want," I lied. "I just don't want to be so old when my grandchild arrives."

He only shook his head at me, "Leave those two alone. Let them figure things out on their own. If you want a kid so badly we can visit the orphanage. There you can play with kids."

I glared at my husband. How can he be so casual about his son's love life? I guess I can't really expect much from him.

Just then an idea popped into my head. I took out my phone and messaged someone.

"I should've done this a long time ago," I muttered.

My husband saw what I'm doing and then sigh. He had that look saying I'll regret whatever it is I'm doing.

"I'm telling you that if those two found out" he started but I put a finger on his lips hushing him.

"They won't, and if they did find out they'll thank me," I proudly said as I hit send.

This should work out.

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