Chapter 40: Everyone envies you so much

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Laila POV

It's been a while since Jer and I did that filming and as soon as videos were released, any news regarding our break-up disappeared. I can't say that our relationship had gotten closer but at some point, a part of my wall of defence against him did crumble. I don't reject any touch from him now.


I stopped typing and deadpan stared at my best friend who had this annoying look on her face. Clarisse had been staring at me for half an hour now.

She narrowed her eyes at me as she leans forward staring as if something new is on my face she can't figure out what. After a minute she relaxes in her place letting out a deep sigh.

"Are you going to tell me what that is for?" I asked her, my train of thoughts had now been disrupted by her. Instead of answering she took a sip of her coffee and then look at the magazine she had. "Fine don't tell me."

I proceed on working back on my manuscript. It didn't take long for her to finally give in, "I'm really curious. I mean, it's just so hard to believe that you get back together with Malarkey after that incident. I'm happy for you but I just don't want a repeat of what happened to you."

My fingers suddenly stop at her mention of the incident.

"Tell me, Laila, did you tell him already what really happened five years ago?"

"He doesn't have to know," I mumbled.

"But doesn't he need to know it at least? Especially about him." she made a knowing look as she said the last part.

Only Clarisse and Henry know about it. They were the only ones I can run to at that time. I had run away from it, from him, from the truth about everything because knowing it would destroy the good memories I have with him.

It was hard for me to accept everything at that time. It was like a bomb dropping on me and in an instant ruined all that is in my life. What can anyone expect me to do when the people I thought my family wasn't actually real and the person I cared about the most wasn't even there for me. All the support I have crumpled down. And all I can do at that time was to run away.

I looked back at my best friend, I can clearly see the care in her eyes. How worried she is for me, "I don't know what to tell him. That my mother suicide in front of me? That someone came and claimed that those people who raised me were actually my kidnappers? Or that he had triggered everything to traumatise me?"

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up," Clarisse had an apologetic look on her face. It was clear that she regretted what she had just opened up.

I took a deep breath calming myself but it just made things worse. All of a sudden memories came flooding down on me. I feel like the walls are closing in on me and that I find it hard to breathe.

"Laila?" I can hear the panic in Clarisse's voice, "Oh my god, were's your-"

I never heard what she was about to look for because everything around me turned pitch black and silent.


How long has it been?

I can hear muffled sounds, though I can't see where they came from. Slowly, I opened my eyes and had to blink a couple of times to adjust to the brightness. I look around and realized I'm in my room. 

"Laila!" Clarisse came rushing in as soon as she saw me getting up, "Just stay in bed."

"I'm fine now," I protested but she just pushed me back down.

She was silent for a while, looking at me as if I were a lost puppy she found on the side of the road, "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"It's fine," I cut her off, "You don't have to apologize for it."


I pinched her lips to shut her off, "I said it's fine right? Anyway, what did they say?"

"There's a new prescription for you. Henry went out to buy. I called him because I panicked. I'm really sorry Laila, I should have known that you're already struggling. It's just that for the past couple of months I thought there's nothing wrong seeing you're doing okay with Malarkey." she went on to explain.

"It's not bad as it used to be," I stated.

"I'm not gonna pester you anymore about it but please Laila, tell me if things are not okay. Maybe it's best that-"

The sound of the doorbell interrupted her. She stood up to open the door for Henry at the same time my phone rang. I answered without looking at who the caller is.


"Laila? What's wrong?" Jer's concerned voice answered me. "You sounded off."

I was caught off guard. Funny how he can still figure me out with such small details, "Laila?"

"I just woke up," I answered.

"At a time like this?"

"I fell asleep okay. Why are you calling?" I need him to end this call now.

"I just wanted to check on you. Anyway, I'll be coming back tomorrow." he paused, I know there's something he wants to say but doesn't know if saying it would be a good thing.

"You don't have to explain to me anything." I tried to save both of us from the awful silence that had fallen onto us.

"Are you mad?" he asked.

I took a deep sigh, "Why would I be?"

"Because I left right after we were done with the-" I can clearly imagine how he must have looked right now.

"It's fine Jer," I cut him off. "You have postponed all the work you have to spend those time with me so I know how your work must have piled up by now."

"Laila are you okay now?" Henry's voice rang throughout the room.

I immediately hung up on Jer hoping he didn't hear Henry. Henry's head poked out of my door and he looked at me tenderly.

"You got us worried," he said.

I muster a smile, "I'm sorry."

"Please tell us if things are getting hard on you. You know you can talk to us."

"Yeah, I know."

"Well anyway, I heard that the show you and Malarkey are on got really high ratings. Didn't you know you made headlines?" Henry said clearly changing the topic of my health.

I shook my head, "I don't know"

Clarisse chuckled, "We'll check the net right now. You're a hot topic."

I wasted no time and quickly unlocked my phone and check my social media and was shocked to see the trending news. I scrolled on the comments not caring about the written news.

"Oh, Laila is so lucky. I wish my man is as great as Mr Malarkey"

"Isn't Mr Malarley known to be aloof and distant? Who would have thought he'd be smitten and possessive of Laila."

"To think the two of them were already in love since college."

"I envy Laila, Mr. Malarkey only has his eyes set on her. Even after they broke up he didn't date other girls."

There were so many comments that it will take me more than a day to read. There were a few nasty comments but my fans fight back. I sure do have loyal fans.

"Well everyone envies you so much," Clarisse commented.

I can't enjoy this feeling knowing that everything was just an act.

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