Chapter 26: ..getting used to it

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Laila POV

"You look amazing Laila."

Clarisse complimented me as I made a quick turn to see myself in the mirror. I still couldn't believe that I could look like this. The girl in the mirror is definitely not me.

"Jeremy will drool." I make a quick death glare to her for her comment. She just laughed off at my expression. "But you have to admit that Mars did a pretty good job. She managed to arrange all the things you were supposed to decide all by herself."

"I'm busy and I don't think this is necessary." I simply told her.

"Seriously Laila? Isn't this event important for Jeremy? Ofcourse that poor girl had worked for him for such a long time to know what she was doing. She wouldn't force you if it were just a simple event." She nagged at me.

Clarisse had been giving me lectures after finding out what I was doing. I've been ditching Mars not coming to my schedule and always walking out.

"I just don't think going places is necessary. I mean isn't it enough people know I'm dating him." I said without thinking.

Clarisse stared at me for a moment with a weird look on her face. "Are you hiding something from me?"

My mouth agape at her question. "What do you mean?"

"You seem different from before. You announce to the world you are dating him yet it always seems like you would rather be as far away from him as possible. I've been noticing it but I just brushed it off but now, you've been acting like being with the person you said you love disgusts you." She stated crossing her arms over her chest.

I can't believe she's been seeing through me. Ofcourse she would know, she had known me for so long to know when I'm acting not myself.

"I just had a lot on my plate right now." I tried to deny but I can see she's not convinced.

"And he doesn't? You and Jeremy both act differently. I know that I said before to stay away from him and all, but I can see that he still got that same look in his eyes seeing you. It is obvious that he loves you but you won't reciprocate that, though I know your reasons but still."

Though I wanted so badly to tell her the truth I can't.

"If you do not like what is happening, you should have known this kind of thing will happen before being with him again. I can't believe all my talking to you was useless." She continues to rant on. 

I saw this as my opportunity to change our topic.

"Ahhh. Don't be mad at me." I said in a baby tone. I walked towards her and hugged her.

"Stop Laila. You'll ruin both of our dresses. I still can't believe you didn't just tell me so I can prepare you one. Not that I don't like what you are wearing." I laugh at her last statement.

"Ms. Condes, Mr. Malarkey is here," Mars announced.

"Alright. I'll be in the same car as her. I'll see you again later." Clarisse accompanied me making sure I wouldn't ruin anything they had prepared for me.


Jeremy POV

My plans of winning back Laila's heart become harder and harder to proceed. I know I'm selfish and possessive of her and that I'm using any kind of tricks just to have her.

But I'm having a hard time. One moment it will seem like she's okay and getting along with me then out of the blue she'll explode and shut me off again. Even Brian can't help me because he also doesn't get her.

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