Chapter 1: So why now?

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*****Headline News*****

Laila Condes

Just by hearing her name one couldn't help but think of wanting to be in one of her works.

Laila is a well-known writer. She had published three novels but her main focus is writing stories made for films. She's been writing scripts and plays that had made millions of people addicted to her stories wanting it to actually happen to them.

There's just something alluring to her work that no producer, director or actor would refuse.

What's her secret? Well, we got an exclusive interview with the well-known writer herself.

A down-to-earth lady that smiles with her eyes. Just as you can't resist her work, she's even charming and alluring when you meet her.

Laila's POV

"Can you please turn it off?" I quietly said to Clarisse before continuing to type my manuscript on my desktop.

There was a loud bang of something being dropped on the floor before I heard my best friend's loud cursing to which I only laugh.

"Seriously! I forgot I put hand cream on," she continued fuming. "Anyway, when they said they'll announce it I didn't expect it to be this fast. There's no interview yet and you can cancel anytime."

I stopped typing and took a sip at my strong iced coffee, "The agency wants me to actually do interviews saying it's about time I receive the spotlight for my work."

Clarisse made a -tsk sound as if saying I was dumb, "Obviously. Do you have any idea how much money there are making whenever your work hits the premiere?"

I was about to say something when a Taylor Swift song suddenly played from her phone.

She quickly ran to answer her phone. Her eyes widen in shock as she answered whoever was calling. The whole time she looks at me as if I was about to kill her. She keeps biting at her left thumb, a sign I know whenever she's nervous.

"Laila," she said in a sweet soft voice she always uses when asking for a favour.

"What now?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at her. My fingers kept on tapping at my table waiting for her to ask.

Her eyes darted around not sure how to start telling me, "I know I said I'll never set you up again with any guy but please help me on this one."

"My mom set me up with this guy but can you go instead of me," she continued.

I crossed my arms over my chest, leaning back in my chair, "Why would I do that?"

"Because I'm your best friend and you love me," she said in a squeaky tiny voice that always irritates me.

I can just say no to her but deep down I know that she had always helped me.

"Fine," I give up.

Her eyes lighten up in delight, "Great! You need to get ready now. Twelve noon at the Luna Cafe. I'll help you change."

She wasted no time as she literally pushed me off my seat and drag me into my bedroom. It's a good thing I already took a shower.

She picked up a cream long sleeve and a floral skirt for me to wear.

She picked up a cream long sleeve and a floral skirt for me to wear

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