Chapter 1

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Author's POV:

"Y/NNNNNNN!!!!!!!" Her manager, Shin-Hye screamed at her as she again got into useless rumour.

"Y/n, how many times do i have to tell you that don't go out without my permission. It's dangerous for you. You know right that whenever you will go out, the media will just take one chance and you will be finished."- Her manager was fuming with anger.

Y/n was not at all worried at this point. She knew even if she doesn't do anything, the entire fault will be on her shoulders.

Y/n explained her manager very calmly saying- " Unnie, do you think i went out just to get drunk? No I was outside because i need air, like fresh air not this air purifier's air. I need to feel the breeze. I need to feel the cold yet cozy atmosphere. Can i get all of this by just sitting inside this glass house?"

"NOOOOOO!!!!!!!, A BIG NOOOOOO!!!!!"- Y/n screamed not able to hold her frustrations.

Shin-Hye controlled her anger and tried to make Y/n calm down as well. She knew whatever was happening was not her choice.

Both of them sat on the soft couch of Y/n's house beside a huge glass window through which they could see a part of the city.

"Y/n, I know you never wanted this. But you have to accept it and you can't escape." Mrs Shin-Hye tried to console her by brushing her head softly. She could understand her struggle and pain.

"I told you i didn't do anything. I just went outside with my bicycle and that's it. I was just sitting alone beside the river. That's it. I have even completed all the tasks that you have given for my upcoming shoots." Y/n spoke while keeping her head low.

"I know but you can't just talk to anyone. You should know that." Her manager warned her but in a motherly tone.

"I know, i know. It's just , i want to go back unnie." Y/n requested again for the 1000th time after the incident happened.

"But you can't go back. Make it clear Y/n." Mrs Shin-Hye clearly stated.

"But why?" Y/n's voice slightly broke.

"Do you know how? Do you know how you can go back? Do you know how you came into this?" Y/n' manager asked directly looking at her. She used to feel irritated everytime she would bring the topic of how she could go back.

But both them doesn't know the way out.

All of this started on one fine evening.

She woke up while rubbing her eyes.
She looked around her but couldn't recognize the surroundings.

"Was i sleeping the whole time? Is it night?" She asked herself feeling very sleepy.

"Wait- why my room looks so arranged and cleaned? Holy geez- why am i in a room?" Her eyes was getting bigger and bigger everytime she was looking everywhere.

Maybe i slept too much. Should i slap myself? Eh- no i shouldn't" She laughed at her own thoughts.

"But where am i?" She asked herself again while wondering inside that huge house.

She was still figuring out whether she is in a dream or not.

She went near the large glass window. And she noticed there were people waiting outside the house.

She heard people screaming, Lee Y/n.

"Does these people screaming for me?Ate they really on something?" She thought to herself.

She looked very confused.

She tried to went outside the house and noticed too many house staffs working inside the house.

"Am i being kidnapped? Are they sort of working for their good looking boss?" She questioned herself looking at them.

"Y/n, shut up. This is not the time to bring your silly imaginations." She scolded herself.

But the moment she went outside figuring out what's happening, she met with biggest surprise as well as shock.

She saw a costly car standing infront of her and the driver came to take her to the car while people were screaming her name.

Lee Y/n, Lee Y/n, Lee Y/n, Lee Y/n

"wait- i have a car? " - Y/n looked around her with a shocked and confused expression.

"Are you Y/n ? Like for real, Lee Y/n?"- a boy with brightest smile asked her with hopeful eyes.

The moment she looked at the boy she knew something is not okay.

Is this my "universe" ? She thought. She was completely clueless.

Hey guys!!!!!
I hope this chapter made your imagination more interesting.😊🤭

What do you think who he is?

Let me know in the comment box.

Happy Reading!!!!!!

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