Late Nights

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Madeline Pov
Bella and I sat and talked for a little bit over an hour before I decided to head back. I noticed Edward come in and I wanted to give them time alone. I waved my goodbyes to them and walked with Jane and Alec.

"Is Jacob one of those dogs," Jane asked me once we were in the elevator.

I let out a little laugh . Jacob would be fuming if he heard a vampire calling him a dog. " Yes he's a shifter."

"Its good that you don't like being in company of them it will make our job easier," Jane said staring at the elevator door.

When it dinged we headed out. I used to always hung out at La Push but that changed two weeks ago." Nope , you're just gonna have to worry about plain old blood bags," I tell them sarcastically.

Alec and Jane seemed to both be amused at my comment with that, but didn't press on it. When we entered the new room it was much bigger. It was a loft style room. The bed seemed to be in a different room connected with the bathroom. The main area had a couch and a chair with another tv.

I saw that my bags were neatly stacked on the wall in the bedroom. I quickly grabbed an outfit to wear and took a shower. Once I got the chlorine smell off of my body, I went back out. I noticed that Felix and Demetri were watching sports. Alec was in the chair watching with them as well. The only one that was messing was Jane.

"Where's Jane?" I asked standing behind the couch.

"She went to report to the Masters about today," Demetri tells me turning away from the tv.

"Oh okay," I said getting ready to turn to my room.

"Is there anything you need Madi?" Demetri asked me.

I thought a bit I didn't really need anything right now yet I was curious. I wanted to know a bit more about my mates and a bit about them. I didn't want to push my luck though. I turned to them with a slight smile.

"No that is all, have a good night ," I tell them before heading in my room.

I turned on the TV flipping through the channels before I found something interesting. Bingo! It was the science channel. They were discussing early civilizations and what not. I always found history interesting, I wanted to learn so much about it. As I was watching my phone started to ring. I look down at it and saw it was Jessica.

"Hey Bitch," I say smirking.

"You know it, what are you doing on Monday?" She tells me getting right to it.

"Probably hanging out with you," I say absentmindedly. Keeping my eyes focus on the tv. They were talking about Nero.

"Okay good, the guys might be hanging with us. We want to go over going to a trip this weekend," Jessica's tells me making me snap out of my thought.

"Um no, I'm am so broke after today," I tell her.

It was true this shopping trip broke my wallet. It is now dust. I usually save a percentage of each paycheck but with this one I found little meaning too.

"What Madeline," she draws out. " It is important you go, this is a test run for all other trips." She tells me.

"I'm not going if I have no money," I said trying to break her out of her rant.

"Just have Mike pay for your stuff; his parents are rich." She tells me.

"Absolutely not," I said shaking my head. " I don't like him like that and you know that. Plus he's going to expect something out of it too," I finished.

"I'll look at my savings if it really means that much to you but, no promises." I said with a sigh.

I don't usually touch my savings but I know for a fact I have enough for a weekend trip. Jessica doesn't know that though. I might need a trip after this week especially if my lovely guards plan to stay in my room this week.

"Awesome thank you ," Jessica sighed. "What are you watching right now even?" I hear the slight judgment in her voice.

"Nero," I simply said. I didn't feel the need to explain much. " Oh guess what I got a new swimsuit ," I tell her completely forgetting my show.

"Send pics now, what does it look like?" she asked getting slightly excited.

" Jessica I've never had a swimsuit that does so much justice for my figure ," I tell her. " Plus it made my ass look bomb," I finished.

I head to the bathroom to see my swimsuit still slightly wet. I am going to dread putting it back on. I think putting on a wet swimsuit is one of the worst feelings.

" Madi your ass always looks good in everything," she tells me. " Are you sending pictures?"

"Here just FaceTime me," I said. I quickly accepted her request and see her face.

I see Jessica wearing a facemask drinking some kind of tea it looks like. I set my phone on the dresser so she can see me better and took a step back.

"Oh my God you look so hot," she squeals.

"Wait let me screen shot this I need to send to Angela." I quickly get notified that screenshot the pic.
"That picture better look good Jess," I said removing her from FaceTime so I can get dress.

" It does don't worry," she reassures me.

"Honestly I don't understand why you are still single you look hot," she tells me.

I could feel my mood slightly sour " I just don't really wanna date," I said vaguely.

"Is this because of Embry?" she asked me.

"I don't want to talk about it," I said slightly signing my words. A indication that I'm getting annoyed.

" I am just saying he's an ass and you only were really messing for about a month," Jessica said completely ignoring the boundaries.

"One it was only 2 weeks ago and two he was a close friend." I said getting angry.

I wanted to forget about the whole ordeal. I wanted to forget about him. I trusted him and gave him a shot then completely does a 360 on me.

Embry and I started getting really close. We wanted to try to work a relationship with each other. It was around the time Bella was talking to Jacob. Then he started getting distant and angry until he completly cuts me off. Only sending a text that whatever we had was done and he was done seeing me. I cried a bit that hurt but I have enough on my mind to keep me moving.

"Ok sorry, it's just a good thing he is in LaPush so you don't have to see him again," Jessica finished.

"Yeah whatever,  I need to go I have to get up early," I tell her shutting the phone off before she had a chance to say goodbye.

I know I'm not quite over him. I still hurt we were friends before we dated so I just thought I meant more than how he let things ended. I knew I shouldn't of done it but I wanted to so bad. I was always there through good and bad it just seemed right that we get together.  I felt chest tighten and I knew I wanted to cry.

I turned on the tv and found some action movie but the feeling wouldn't go away. Do not cry me he's not worth it. Focus on everything you have to do. Plus there are vampires on the other side of the room. The feeling was just kept eating at my chest.I got more comfortable in my bed and just kept my eyes focused on the movie that was playing. It was quick to tell it was Transformers.

I don't want to face the complex emotions with Embry. I had time to cry hard and think on it. My conclusion was I didn't care to much on the romantic relationship what I did care is that I didn't have my best friend no more. That hurt my heart. He knew everything about me and me as well. I guess that was before he started distancing himself from me. I know deep down I have the answers. I know he's a werewolf like Jacob. Yet I couldn't bring myself to confront him. I was hurt and mad that he couldn't tell me but it was ok for Jacob to tell Bella and me.  I wasn't on the rez when it happened. But Bella did tell me. I wasn't stupid.

Even if he was going to tell me nothing would change I am to become a vampire now. If he is anything like Jacob with his ideas on vampires then the friendship is dead anyways.
I soon felt my body start to relax. I turned and looked to see it was 3am. I turned my head back to the tv and see that it was playing another Transformers movie. I didnt get very far into the movie until I drifted off to sleep.

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