Sisterly Bonds

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Madeline Pov

My date with Caius caused many thoughts to surface. The date was great but I felt as if calling it a date was the wrong wording. Sure he took me out and we kissed but, instead of leaving him all giddy and breathless. I found myself in deep thought about everything.

When I arrived home I was silently hoping that I wouldn't have anyone at the house. I somewhat got my wish. Charlie was here but he seemed to be preoccupied with Sports to actually hold a conversation. So here I am sitting in my room debating with myself on how I truly felt with everything.

My attention switched over from a knock on my door.

" Come in."

Bella walked in with a gaurded demeanor. It seemed to quickly fell when she realized it was just me in my room.

" Your alone tonight." I can't quite tell if Bella meant it as a statement or a question.

" Yeah, are you?"

" Edward isn't allowed at the house, and I'm supposed to be home at seven on the dot."

She was wearing a tensed expression. Her posture was stiff and slouched. It seems like she was doing everything in her power to not look at me and instead paying attention to my messy bookshelf.

" What's going? You seem like you have a lot on your mind."

" There was an argument with Jacob and Edward."

" Oh?" Raising my eyebrows a bit indicating her to continue.

Bella sighs and leans on my wall. She seemed puzzled on how she should go about explaining it to me.

" Jacob doesn't want me to be with Edward."

" Did you just figure this out now?"

Bella slightly scuffs but choose to ignore my comment.

" I chose Edward I will always choose him. And Jacob was getting ready to hurt him and I stepped in—Madi he won't answer my calls." She tells me vaguely.

I felt there was more to the story. I wasn't going to exactly press on for more details though. I figured Jacob didn't understand Bella's intention with him and got butthurt. I guess I can't blame him because I wasn't quite sure myself.

" Bella, here sit down," patting a spot on my window bench.

" Listen I don't like Jacob but, he's hurting right now and probably just needs space to think on everything."

" I don't know how he feels but he's obviously felt a different kind a way about you then you did," messing with my fingernails.

Bella stayed quiet a bit. No reaction towards my voiced out thoughts. She probably was in shock that I wasn't cursing Jacob out. I don't think I will admit it out loud but I don't blame Jacob being mad at her.

" Time...right. How was your date with Caius?" She asked me hesitantly.

" It was...good."

I wasn't quite sure if I was in to mood to discuss my current standing with Caius. Sure she just asked about the date but, that will quickly lead to more questions about them and I wasn't ready to tell her about it.

" That's very vague."

" I just haven't gotten used to dating multiple men," responding quickly.

" So...your dating now?"

" I will have to get back to you on that matter."
Once the words left my mouth we fell into brief silence.

" Your date with Aro is tomorrow." Attempting to come up with a new conversation.

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