The Woods

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 "So, how much further?"I asked, irritation coursing my veins.

I was risking a lot from being near Embry. I only had a few hours out of the guards peering eyes, and I was already slipping into a mess.

"Sorry about that. I want to make sure we don't have an audience." Embry replied, slowing down his pace.

"Werewolves or vampires?" I asked, stepping over a branch.


Wherever Embry led us was pretty far from Emily's house. We had walked far away from familiar landmarks, leaving us venturing deep into the thick forest.

" So, are we good here?" I asked, watching Embry's pace halt.

"Yes, free from werewolves," Embry confirms, shaking his head.

"Do you see that tree?" He finished with a point of his finger.

A sigh escapes my mouth as my eyes follow Embry's finger to a snapped tree. The towering trees around mocked the broken one. I could tell whatever caused the tree's damages had happened a while ago. The damaged tree had nature create a design with moss and mushrooms accenting it.

"What about it?" I asked.

"This tree marks the start of the Cullens border," Embry explains, turning to look at me.

That explains it, then. I highly doubt any werewolves would want to run into the Cullens. The idea that the Cullens came together and assembled a deal with them was strange especially given what happened earlier today.

"Listen, Madi. The last time we spoke wasn't the best." Embry started scratching the back of his neck.

"You need to get away from the Volturi as soon as possible."

Embry warning me was the least of my concern. I was under the impression that he wanted to fix us. Try and salvage our friendship and move on. I missed the silent routine we had before all of this. Yet here we are, stuck in a loop.

"Come with me," I say, staring into his eyes.

Maybe running away would be a good idea. Then, Embry and I can get away from here and possibly convince Paul to come with us. We could move states and just avoid this mess.

"What?" Embry responds.

"I said come with me." Clenching my fist tightly, staring at the mossy ground.

"Madi -" Embry starts.

"What?" I interrupted.

Paul wasn't right. Embry could leave. If he wanted to make this work, he would prove it to me. If Embry truly felt the Volturi would endanger me, he would run away with me. If everything Embry said to me was true, then why would he leave me alone?

"I cant." He lets out, shaking his head.

Embry's answer echoed throughout the forest. It was as if nature wanted to make sure I got the message. A loud declaration that what Paul said was true.

I step back, letting out a scornful laugh. "That's rich."

"I forgot your chained down now, huh. All this talk about caring for me doesn't matter, does it?"

I could feel my eyes become blurry, egging me to form tears. Instead, I refuse to blink, holding my gaze at Embry as he looks to the ground. "Nothing? That its."

"Madi, I love you." I taunt, placing my hands on my heart.

" I think about you every day." I continue to say as I walk toward him.

"We can make this work."

"They aren't your mates." I say, emphasizing the word "mates."

"Stop it, Madi," Embry snaps, finally looking up.

We were less than an arm's distance apart. Embry was now staring at me with clenched hands. His lips formed a harsh line as his brows were pinched together.

Embry said he wanted to talk. But instead, he just wanted me to hide away from the Volturi alone. His request was stupid, just like mine.

"Aw, am I upsetting you? What are you going to do, call SamSam?" I asked, giving him a pout.

Embry wanted to bring up my relationships with the kings. Yet they weren't the ones who left me in the dark. They weren't the ones to leave me when I had to juggle Bella's bullshit and Charlie's sanity.

"Keep his name out of your mouth," Embry spats, clenching his jaw.

I click my tongue a couple of times. "Oo, did I hit a nerve?" I asked with jest.

"You can be angry at me, but this is just between us," Embry said lowly.

"Is it, though? It seems like everyone is in our mess," I spat, pacing around.

I've been told how I was supposed to feel about everything for the last week. Unfortunately, it seemed that I forgot I wasn't smart enough to decide on my own life and that I needed others to make choices for me.

"What's that supposed to mean," Embry vented, staring intently with dark eyes.

"Oh, give me a break. You are practically a slave to Sam!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up.

"Watch it," He warns, moving closer in my direction.

I was sick of Forks. Wolf or Vampire, you had to choose. Everyone I was close with seemed to be wrapped up in an alliance, constantly at each other's throats from it.

"No, I won't! He tells you to do something and simply follow just like a-"

"Like a what huh, go on say it!" He eggs on.

"Just like a dog!" I scream.

Embry stalks closer to me. I was able to see that his eyes held something dark. The corners of his mouth curled, letting out a tone I'd never heard from him.

" You. Don't. Know. Anything," Embry lets out coldly through gritted teeth.

He stares down at me after saying those words. Refusing to step back from my space until he thinks I've been demeaned by him enough. Finally, he takes a step back slowly.

"I know you aren't the person I thought you were," I expressed, running my hand through my hair.

"Yeah, well, I can say that about you," Embry spoke deeply.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, narrowing my eyes at him.

Embry huffs, shooting me an ice-cold look. "Oh please, you're practically banging those thirsty bloodsuckers. I can smell them all over you."

"You hardly even know them, and yet you think your safe from them."

"Your solipsistic, Madi. You know what they do to people. Yet, you are willing to risk Bella's and Charlie's life by letting them into your home.

"Shut up!"

"No! You think you have everything figured out, don't you?" Embry spats, stalking towards me.

"Let me tell you something, Madeline. Your precious mates will waste your life. "

"You're wrong," I let out, which only caused him to step toward me.

I instinctively take a step back. However, Embry didn't seem to care and kept advancing toward me until I hit a tree with my back.

"Just admit it, you can't wait to be a filthy bloodsucker!" He shouts, his hot breath hitting my face.

"I think you need to step away, son," a voice broke, complemented with a sound of a gun cocking.

Dangerous Love (Volturi Kings Love Story)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα