A Thousand Stars

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Madeline Pov

I was surprised to find that Aro's company wasn't so bad. I found it strange how quickly events can go up and turn around.

"Madeline?" His velvety voice breaks the silence.


Aro and I were parked outside my house, seemingly postponing heading inside.

"Are you ready to head in?"

I gave him a slight nod and wasn't surprised by his speed in opening my door for the first time.

"Thank you, Aro. I actually had a great time," giving him a genuine smile.

Aro displayed a frown. "Were you doubting me?"

"Absolutely," with a small laugh.

Aro suddenly stops at the porch. I was confused about the action until I saw him reaching in his pocket.

"Hmm, I suppose it's the perfect time to give you this then."

Handing me a dark blue velvet case. I gave Aro a look debating whether I should take it. I was never known to be a person who turned down gifts and offers throughout my whole life, and I certainly won't start now.

When I opened the case, the most beautiful necklace was displayed. The design was hollow ringlets of gold with a thin band of diamonds running through it. The porch light would capture its twinkle, causing it to feel like a thousand stars being held in my palm. However, the mid-sized circular ruby that laid nicely in the middle of the necklace captured my eyes.

"Aro, this is-this is beautiful," I kept trying to find something else to say to him, but I was taken back by the gift.

"Would you like to put it on?" Aro asked me, watching me closely.

I silently nodded my headed and turned my back towards him. I kept finding myself shocked by the beauty of the necklace. I wasn't always in the presence of luxurious items growing up. Even when the Cullens came into town and began giving me gifts, it wasn't nearly as lavish as this.

I couldn't help myself but become giddy at the thought of adding this as a bonus to being dropped into this new vampiric world.

My mind snapped quickly to the presence of chilled hands slightly brushing my hair away from my neck. Aro took his time placing the necklace on my skin, the metal feeling warm compared to his hands. Then, as he clasped the chain of stars in place, he slowly traced his finger from the back of my neck, causing my skin to leave a trail of traitorous goosebumps.

He stops his attacks and rests his hand on the bottom of my neck, pausing as if he was calculating what moves he would make next. Part of me wanted to turn around and quickly lock my lips to his, but I didn't want to give in too quickly. Instead, I waited to see how far he would go.

Even though I created this goal in my mind, I could feel my will cracking. His scent hit my nose like waves while his body was close enough to touch mine but not enough to fully enwrapped me.

I didn't dare open my mouth for fear of what may come out. I kept trying to find something to say or even do, but my mind felt clouded with desire.

Aro let out a low chuckle and returned to his attacks, softly grasping my shoulder; leaning his head towards my neck.

Breath Madi.

"Madeline, you can have all jewels in the world if that is what your heart desires."

Aro then closes the small gap between my neck and his mouth, placing a small kiss.

"For what is a queen if she doesn't receive what she desires?"

I turn to face Aro, staring deep into his wine-colored eyes. He leans down, pausing an inch from my lips. My will dissolves, and I quickly wrap my arms around his neck, guiding him toward my lips.

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