Homer's Star Brad Pitt

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Madeline Pov


No, perhaps blissful?

My body felt as if I was enwrapped with pure pleasure.

While his lips trapped me in a dance, his hands stayed firm, pulling me closer to him. Finally, he slowly breaks the kiss and rests his forehead on mine.

Neither of us spoke. We didn't need to, at least not yet. I prefer to stay in Aro's arms for a bit longer before reality starts kicking in.

Aro's kiss made me feel a euphoric bliss, able to just temporarily forget my troubles. In a way, that's how they all made me feel.

"My dear, we should head inside."

I noticed Charlie wasn't home, and Bella's truck was gone. I felt annoyance over Charlie's recent workload due to Bella's dependency. If it was Charlie's regular schedule, he would be home by now, postponing writing reports in the morning. But instead, I think he might be diving deep into work with all the stress over Harry and Edward Cullen.

"Yeah, it's getting cold out." Grabbing my keys to unlock the door.

"Are you usually home alone?" Aro questions as we make our way in.

" No, not really. Usually, Bella would be here or Charlie."

" Ahh, I see, but she's been avoiding the place since you've been fighting with her."

" I wouldn't say we are fighting," drawing out my words.

" What would you call it then?"

" Misscomuntication." Giving Aro a shrug.

I didn't want to explain further. I rather ignore Bella's antics of judgment and wait till she cools down.

" So, this is your room." Aro made it more of a statement than a question.

Soon as Aro stepped foot into my room, he began to look around. Aro wasn't shy about looking and touching a piece of item that interested him. In a way, it put me on edge.

" So, what do you think?" I mentally slapped myself.

It's just a room. There wasn't anything grand about it. The only difference was that I didn't have laundry scattered all over the floor like I usually do.

" It's cozy," Aro turning away from the gallery of pictures of my friends and me on the wall.

I felt like Aro was patiently waiting for me to say something to him. I had a feeling he didn't want to leave just yet; I didn't want him to as well.

" Do you want to stay?" Suddenly finding my fingers more interesting than his answer.

I silently prayed that I didn't read the situation wrong. Eventually, Aro lifts one of his hands and slightly places it on his chin as if he is deeply thinking about the question. The only thing that gave it away was his playful smirk.

" Staying the night would be great."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me. "Okay, I just need to put something more comfortable on."

"Of course, take your time," resuming his search around my room.

I quickly walked to my closet, grabbing a random shirt and pajamas shorts.

"I'll be back shortly," I didn't give Aro a chance to stay anything before heading out of my room and towards the bathroom.

My mind kept replaying the kiss I shared with Aro. Taunting me with the possibilities of what might come next. It felt strange how quickly I gravitated towards the king's affection. I wouldn't dare say it out loud, but my personal interactions with the kings caused me to become eager to learn more about them.

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