Loose Ties

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Madeline pov


That is what I woke up to this morning. Even when getting ready for the day, it was oddly silent. It was Sunday morning, and no one was there.

Charlie wasn't downstairs talking with Billy, debating who would win today's football game. Bella wasn't even here making breakfast or in her bedroom with music playing in the background.

This was strange. It wasn't our regular Sunday routine. In truth, it felt weird. I feel entirely alone. I am not even sure if I'm under watchful eyes or if I've just grown to accept it. I had all morning and afternoon to do what I wanted to do. I could take two paths: being responsible and getting all my school work done or hanging out with my friends.

I chose the second option.

" Wow, your alive," Jessica's voice drew out in annoyance.

Jessica had the door slightly open, wedging her body between the open space the door left.

"Bella and I got into a fight."

The minute that sentence left my mouth, I could tell Jessica was having an internal battle of being mad at me or letting me in and pry more into the story. One of Jessica's weaknesses is her love of conflict. It fascinated her so much that she would be open to leaving bets on how the conflict would end.

"You think that just because you ghosted me, I will let you in because you got into a fight with Bella?" Scoffing at my antics.


She opens the door inviting me in begrudgingly. I laugh and even do a slight hop while entering. " Thank you."

"You have so much to explain, Madi," taking a seat at her vanity.

" Yeah, I know, a lot has happened." Plopping on her bed.

"So what is wrong with you and Bella? It seemed ever since Edward came back, Bella started to be more Bella again, but you became more like Bella and less of Madi."

I grimaced " Ugh, don't compare me like that."

"Well, that is what I see."

I pondered all night on my cover story with my absence. I had a year left of being a human, and I wanted to surround myself with humans during it. "Where do you want me to start first?"

"The twins, why did they just stick by you rather than the Cullens?"

"I met them in science, they seem cool, and we just clicked."

Jessica's eyes snapped towards my face, using the mirror reflection. "Clicked?"

"Yeah, clicked." Then, becoming busy with seeing how far I could stretch until sliding off the bed.

"The twins don't seem to like anyone." Creating a sour face.

"Well, they like me," sliding off the bed.

A suitcase with clothes scattered on the floor caught my eyes. Did they go to Seattle yesterday? I am surprised I didn't get the last attempt text from her. Jessica must really be mad with me.

"I was wondering if you could do my hair?" Taking my eyes off of the suitcase.

"You will have to get off the floor for me to do that, Madi," turning to face me.

" Do something simple but not too simple," Laughing, I take myself off the floor.

The day seemed to quickly pass with Jessica fast speed conversations. However, she made sure to get me to promise to sit with her at lunch and not shut down on her. I think she was a bit worried that I may pull away from her and Angela like Bella.

I get a pang of sinking guilt feeling from it. I will be gone from my friends soon enough. But, is it fair to leave them in the dark? Will my fake death affect them? How soon would they move on? These thoughts plagued me through the entire drive back to my home.

Pulling up to my home, I glanced at the clock. It was 3:00 pm, and Aro hadn't made any form of communication with me. No texts telling me what time he will get me. In fact, he didn't even send a Goodmorning text as Marcus did; even Caius did. It was silent from him.

It made me a bit sour about it. Of course, I wouldn't mind spending the night with Marcus or Caius. But I don't think I could handle seeing them both simultaneously right now. So right now, I have my thumb hovering over Marcus or Caius's name, debating on who to call.

I jump quickly from the source of knocking from my driver's seat window. I look to see Aro standing there, his deep red eyes filled with mischievous.

"Having a hard time deciding who text first," Aro's voice broke out.

"Are we going on a date now?" Purposely avoiding his question.

"Yes, I believe you are will be familiar with the place we are heading to." Gliding towards the passenger seat.

"And where is that, Aro?"

"Forks Activity Rink."

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