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Madeline Pov

"Wow" I mummer keeping my forehead against his.

I can't find words to describe anything to him. The kiss was intense, calculating, dominating. I've had my fair share of kisses but Caius was hypnotic. I forgot everything, all my worries, anger, basic function was gone. My only response was to keep up with Caius pace.

Now that I'm not under this spell, I can start coming back to my senses. The first thing I did was instinctively stepped back.

" You just kissed me," I groaned out placing my hands over my cheek.

" Have you've never been kiss before?" Caius with a teasing questioning tone.

" I've been kiss just not—I have been kissed plenty of times," offended by his words.

" For someone whose been kissed plenty you sure are flustered."

" I'm not flustered one bit,"

" They must not kiss well then, I'm a bit disappointed in Marcus though," pressing on with his hand on his chin.

"Marcus was great"

I couldn't stop the fleeting thought of Marcus being disappointed in me kissing Caius.

" Yet hear you are all red like a Apple."

" It's cold that's why."

Mother Nature must've heard my pleas cause just on cue the wind started to pick up. Caius takes off his cloak and places it on my shoulders.

" Hear," he mummers softly.

" Thanks."

I kept mentally trying not to blush anymore than I already was. Caius would most likely notice it and tease me all over again. I turned my head towards my canvas looking over the freshly pained mountains.

" Are you hungry?"

Caius sped towards the trees and pulled out a picnic basket. Caius then sped back just as quick.

"The way I would abuse the ability for vampiric speed," I mumbled.

" I hope this will be to your taste." Ignoring my comment.

I take a seat on a cushion still wrapped in Caius's heavy cloak. I felt a bit nervous that Caius may have cooked for me.

The worries left quickly once Caius laid out a dish of Chicken Caesar salad, a tray of various fruits, and an extra wine bottle that I took from our first date.

" So did you cook this yourself," plopping a grape in my mouth.

" I had a bit of assistance."

I took a bite of my salad and immediately could tell this was Esme cooking.
"Tell Esme I said thank you," taking another bite of my salad. I really don't understand how she does it—even with salad.

Caius didn't make any indication of acknowledging my statement. He moved towards his canvas continuing to paint it. I couldn't see what he was painting by the way his body was blocking the canvas.

" Can I see?"

" No." Caius tells me with no thought in the request.

" Why not—"

" Tell me about your skating why do you like it so much?"

"Tell me what you are painting," redirecting the conversation.

"Do enjoy being difficult?" 

"Depends on the day," shrugging my shoulders.

I dramatically fell back on the cloth and let out a sigh. The silence once a again filled my ears once again.

" Why are you so quiet?"

" Some people would argue with that statement."

I propped up on my shoulders to get a better look at him.

" Sure you seem to be very intense but, definitely quiet."

" That is because I'm waiting for you to answer my question."

Caius still had his back facing me. Very keen to continue on his painting.

" I like skating cause I feel free in a way," letting out a generic response.

" That seems to be a lie," taking a pause from painting.

" I mean it does make me feel like that, there's a lot of reasons."

" What is the reason that makes you adamant about finishing one year of skating?" Recovering from the pause he took.

" My mom."

I sighed starting to positioning myself. I don't really talk about my parents a lot. To be fair I don't have that many memories of them. I guess I got lucky that my parents was living through those cringy vhs era where they wanted to record their own tapes. 

It was almost strange how many recordings they left for me. I felt like they were trying preserve memories for me. Let me know that I am loved so much. When my mom died I think Dad only kept recording in a way to keep her memories going. 

" My mom use to be a skater. People said she was going to go to the Olympics with her skill."

" She was with my dad and short story she found out she was pregnant right after she passed the first stages of the trial." 

" She wanted to put her skates aside and focus on me and to support a good future for us. Dad was supportive too as well. They were both in there Senior year of school so dreams of taking care of a child, education, plus sports didn't really balance out." I paused a bit to even my voice.

" I feel the need to finish it for her. I mean even when I was born it's not like she got a chance to attempt to achieve her dream. She died of a heart attack, it came from complications with her heart disease." I started to flick my fingers in attempt to keep myself focus.

" What happened afterwards with your Dad?" Caius voice broke out.

" We ended up moving in with Charlie and Bella. Charlie was going through a divorce with Renèe. So they just helped eachother I guess until he also died."

" Your dad died as well?"

" Yeahh, in a car accident."

For some reason whenever I talk about my father's death I find myself simplifying it. I didn't want to get into the details of it. I love my Dad don't get me wrong.

" I love him, I cried I suppose. It may be unhealthy but sometimes I would like to pretend that my Dad didn't die. That he drove off away from the burdens." I could feel my eyes water.

" That the stress of Mom dying was to much and needed to start over. I prefer that scenario over him burning in a car to death. Without achieving much from life." Wiping a few tears that escaped.

"I guess that's why I skate and will keep skating this year for my parents."

I have half the mind to not consider this a date anymore. Maybe I will consider this a therapy session with a bit of intimacy.

" It's strange isn't it?"


" You had these people in your life very briefly and here you are forever in this constant loop of grievance. Missing your parents, longer than you actually have ever known them."

Caius turns away from his painting. Intentionally unblocking me from his painting. My nosy eyes quickly scan over his painting. Ready to switch the conversation to something light.

His painting showed the mountains that surround us in real life, capturing the serenity that is brought me. Yet that was just the background of the painting. In the center of the painting brought a different feeling. It looked like a singular olive tree in flames. Deep in the olive tree was a single dove ensnared by the branches that were covered in thick flames.

I couldn't help but feel this painting was directed to me. The deep thoughts, my secret feelings displayed on canvas. It felt exposing and actually for once possible listened too.

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