Heading Nowhere

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 "Excuse me, miss?" the Lady called.

"Oh, sorry, can you repeat that?" I replied, snapping back into reality.

After driving for three hours straight, I figured to try my options at the airport. I had found a credit card while sifting through the vehicle. So here I was in Seattle-Tacoma Airport, trying to figure out my next move.

"Where would you like to go?" She replied, wearing a pitched expression.

"Oh, right," I murmur. I quickly glanced at the displays advertising flights to various places.

"If you could go anywhere, where would you like to go?" I ask, looking back down.

" Hmm, depends. Do you have a passport?" She replies, arching her brow.

"Why yes, I do."

"Well, I hear Montego Bay is pretty nice." She tells me, pulling a pamphlet out.

I didn't need to look at the pamphlet right now, It was far away from Forks, and that is all I needed.

"Give me a oneway ticket to Montego Bay then." Slapping my card and identifications down.

She stares at me for a bit before nodding and looking up expenses. " So, is this some sort of birthday trip kids are doing now?"

"Umm yeah, life's short live it while you still can, right?" I let out vaguely.

"When I was eighteen, my friends and I thought Miami was adventurous." She reminisces.

"But the drinking age is twenty-one."

"Spring Break in Miami was worth the risk," Her eyes twinkle with excitement. "But now I'm thirty-five adventured out for a bit. I might start back up when I'm forty," letting out a contagious laugh.

"I think that sounds like a good idea. Maybe you can start it sooner," I joked.

"I just might, when you reach Montego, have a drink for me," She replies, handing my cards back.

"I will, Shannon." Reading her name tag.

"Good. Your flight will be nine hundred dollars and leaves in two hours. It will be first-class seating. Would you like me to proceed with the charge?"

"Yes, sounds perfect," I respond with a smile.

"Alright, it looks like it passed. When you reach your destination, I recommend talking to the resort's representative to get a nice place.

"Thank you, I will," grabbing the ticket from her hand.

"Have fun, and happy early birthday," Shannon tells me with a smile.

With the tickets in my hand, I headed to the restroom. I could finally replace my clothing and throw the old, bloodied-up ones in the trash. I tightly close my eyes and take a couple of breaths. Pretty soon, I will be away from this mess. But, for now, I need to keep moving.

Everything felt like I was on auto pilot by the time I boarded the plane. I stare out the small window watching the night sky. In the next couple of hours, I will be away from here. I look over the pamphlet Shannon gave me. It had thick white letters reading "Montego Bay, The Perfect Vacation." It showed images of white beaches, bars, and various outdoor activities.

A wet drop landed on the advertisement. Realizing that it came from me, I quickly wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. In two weeks, my life quickly went tumbling down into the abyss. Vampires, werewolves, mates, the knowledge about them completely fucked my life over.

The people I grew up with I couldn't face any more. We were all wolves in sheep's clothing. The Cullens claim to be harmless, to value human life yet, expose humans to their secrets. They are willing to cut other's life short if it means keeping theirs so they can continue their charade of being human. Bella is willing to sacrifice everything for immortality. The people she cares about were just a second thought compared to life with the Cullens. Embry, damn, he killed someone when he spent all his time pointing figures at vampires.

I let Marcus, Aro, and Caius swift me off my feet like a pathic love-stricken Helen. I let them bask me with gifts, words, and touch. I let myself give into the idea of mates and attempt to work with them. Yet they have wives and still voluntarily dragged me into their world.

They planned to keep me as a mistress.

I won't let them affect me like this. Instead, I'll move on quickly and forget about the kings. I hope that whatever bond we have, they can feel it.

I closed my eyes and leaned back. It's not every day someone celebrates their birthday in Jamaica. Besides, I'm turning nineteen with an unlimited credit card in my possession. With everything that has happened, there is no better way to celebrate my shitty life than partying in Jamaica.

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