The Meeting

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Madeline Pov

Demetri opened the door and lead me inside. Maybe it was just my nerves but I do feel like the Cullens home is engulfed with such tense tension. We met Bella and Edward by the foot of the stairs.

"Hey Bells," I smiled tightly

"Hi," She went to give me a hug and whispered in my ear. " I texted you, do you want to go gun shopping with Charlie?" she asked me.

I immediately recognized the message. Bella and I made a code sentence for whenever we needed to tell each other something important.  We thought it was cheesy but it has helped us in a lot of situations. The first part of the the code was to check my phone. I know the real message would be there.  Since Bella used gun shopping instead of out to the diner that must mean it's urgent and I am going to regret not finding the message now.

"Hmm let me text Charlie to see what time he wants too," I said causally taking my phone out.

I quickly text Charlie asking him what time. He is either going to text back confused or ignore it. I look to my side to see Demetri eyeing Edward. With his attention on him I pulled my notification bar slightly to see Bella texted me not to let Aro touch me at with with bare skin.
I put my phone in my pocket and sighed.

"Are they upstairs?" I asked Edward glancing at Bella to see if she would give me anymore hints.

Unfortunately she did not. " Yes they are in the living room, let's head up." Edward said guiding us up the stairs.

I believe I remember who Aro is but just in case I won't touch any of them. I wonder if Aro powers involves touching. Whatever it may be it must be something I wouldn't be pleased with if Bella warned me about it in secret.

We made our way upstairs and I quickly realized everyone was in the living room. The Cullens and my guards. I wasn't able to see the kings at all. I find the all of the Cullens giving me a tense smile or some form of forced encouragement through their expressions but their body language was the opposite of it. I turn to see Felix smirking expression. I think he is excited to see how this will play out. He probably think this will be payback for me ditching him in hotel.

"Ahhh lovely, you have finally arrived we have been waiting for your arrival Cara mia," a voice broke out. It held enthusiasm and was nicely smooth. It caused me to slightly shiver wanting to hear more of his voice.

" Let us see our mate," this voice held more forcefulness to it with a deeper tone than the first. I can tell by the tone of his voice he was someone that always seemed to have anger in his voice. Yet this actually turned me on a bit.

" Now Caius lets not scare her off," the first voice chirped back smoothly.

Everyone seemed to go on either side of the wall leaving a path between me and the voices. My eyes snapped to the center of the new cleared space and was taken back by the sight. They were absolutely breathtaking.

Aro was standing in the middle with nice black suit. His suit contrast perfectly with his pale skin tone. Yet even though it was one color design it screamed luxury and classical.  His eyes were dark red just like the rest of the guards. Aro eyes held excitement and awe yet there was something else in them that I couldn't figure out.

The one standing next to him I believe his name was Caius. Yes that sounds right. He was wearing a very similar outfit to Aro the only difference was that the dark red dress shirt with black lace design he wore with it. Caius was much taller than Aro but that made him even more attractive to me.  He wore a scwol directed to Aro. Once he turned his head to me he looked me up and down and smirked. My face immediately went red and I quickly turned my head to the next man.

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