Fruit drinks and all - Sam x Reader

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(Y/n) sat slumped against the wall of the abandoned building. Her coms were broken, a stray bullet that had just missed her head, had shattered the earpiece and she was out of bullets. Meaning that she had no way of contacting the rest of the team, and if one Hydra's henchmen came around the corner, the only thing that she had to defend herself was the bowie knife that Sam had gifted her for her birthday.

As she tried to stand, the pain of the gunshot wound to her leg sent agonising electrical impulses that seemed to radiate throughout her entire body, causing the agent to fall back to the floor. Back to sitting in the pool of her own blood that seemed to be getting larger by the minute. She had put a tourniquet above the wound, using her belt to try and stop the flow of the crimson liquid that seemed to be running in torrents from the wound. But no matter how tight she tried to make it; the blood carried on flowing.

One more time she desperately tried to raise someone, anyone, on the comms. For even though she knew that there was no hope, it wasn't in her to give up. And as far as (Y/n) was concerned, the fat lady still wasn't ready to sing just yet.

(Y/n) pulled out the bowie knife from behind her back and looked at the inscription on the blade that had been etched in in a beautiful script. "To the only girl that I don't mind kicking my ass. Sam." (Y/n) couldn't help but smile, the relationship between her and Sam had always been "complicated". She had had warnings about Sam from Natasha, before she had even stopped foot in the Avengers compound. That the former pararescue airman had a silver tongue, and quite a reputation with the ladies. And as soon as she had met the sarcastic, annoying, yet beautiful man, (Y/n) hadn't been sure how to take him, or what to think. And from that moment, things had been "complicated". Very complicated.

From the first day that she had moved in with the other Avengers, she had formed a good relationship with Tony, Bruce, Steve and the others. But with Sam it was different. To begin with she wasn't sure whether she could really stand the big man or not. Actually finding him more irritating than even Bucky did. Their verbal stoushes often having to be broken up by the rest of the team. But after one particular fight that had actually turned physical in the gym. Culminating in (Y/n) handing a shocked Sam his ass on a platter. The pair had ended up on the floor with Sam on top of her in a very compromising position. The said compromising position, resulting in the two combatants ending up as naked as the day they were born, in the nearest bed they could find.

From that moment on, the two former rivals had become the perfect team, much to the shock of the others, who weren't seemingly able to figure out what had changed between the pair. The others not realising that the two would spend their nights cuddled up in a bed, talking about anything and everything. About the world and life. About what could happen in the future. And about a trip that they would take to Bora Bora. A trip that would allow them some time away from the others. From missions and bad guys trying to end the world.

But one evening. An evening where Tony had paid to take over some fancy nightclub. The place heaving with all the hangers on, that desperately wanted to meet the Avengers. With hero groupies that hoped to get to know one of the boys a little better. (Y/n) had caught Sam kissing another woman. The agent just staring in disbelief, as Sam had looked at her. Guilt and shame evident on his face. The woman that he had been kissing, just smiling smugly, as (Y/n) turned and left. Left the nightclub. And left the compound.

As the days had turned into weeks, and then into months, (Y/n) remained away. Only returning to the compound for missions. The agent never speaking to Sam. Never even looking at him, as they sat across the Quinjet from one another. The others, who were still unaware of their previous relationship, all wondering why the pair no longer spoke. Sam refusing to even tell Steve what had happened. Leaving the captain to grow more and more concerned, as (Y/n) and Sam had thrown themselves into each and every mission and job that the team was given, with little regard for their own life.

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