The one I've been waiting for - Part 3 - Steve x Reader

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I will give a little warning here. This chapter may be a little bloodier and gorier. But it is a vampire thing, so I hope you won't mind too much.

Steve and the others watched, as a mass of black smoke moved through the oncoming Hydra agents. They hadn't even got to the fray, and already the vampire was cutting down the opposition. Lifeless, drained bodies being thrown effortlessly through the air. The corpses dropping to the floor like ragdolls. The only marks on their bodies, two small puncture holes in their neck.

"Jeez. Someone's hungry." Tony commented, as he blasted an agent that was baring down on him.

"(Y/n) keeps this up, there'll be none left for the rest of us." The billionaire added. Ducking, as a body flew over his head.

"Shut up Stark. And just keep your metal ass out of her way. I for one am not complaining about having a hungry vampire on our side." Clint commented from his lofty perch. Tony grumbling, as an arrow flew right past his head, and hit the agent heading for him. Tony along with all the others almost stopping mid fight so that they could look at Steve, as they heard a sound that they had come to know since (Y/n) had joined them. The sound of the vampire being shot at and getting really pissed about it.

Despite how many times (Y/n) had assured Steve that whenever someone did manage to hit her with anything, she would be fine. That unlike he and other mortals, she experienced no pain. It still didn't make the sound, the idea that she might possibly have been hurt, any easier on the old soldier. The feeling that he wanted to get to her. The need to make sure that she was ok, competing with the need to do what he had to do to bring the mission to a successful conclusion.

"(Y/n)!" Steve called out, as he threw his shield over at a group of enemy agents.

"(Y/n)! Talk to me!" The captain exclaimed. Catching his shield as it returned to him. The old soldier failing to notice the man that had come up behind him. Steve turning as he heard a sound, a familiar black smoke billowing between he and the foe. The enemy agent kicking out, as he was raised into the air by a force. His eyes growing wide, as the mist began to change into a form. The form of a vampire staring back at him with blood, red eyes.

"Boy, did you pick on the wrong one to go for." (Y/n) hissed at the dangling man. His fingers frantically gabbing at the hand that held tightly to his throat.

"But you won't be making that mistake ever again." The vampire continued, before she moved her hand and cracked the man's neck. His corpse falling to the ground.

"If I wasn't here to watch your back, Rogers............" (Y/n) chuckled. Giving the slightly shocked captain a smile, before she vanished to be replaced by the ominous cloud of black smoke again. Steve sure that no matter how many times she did that, he would never get used to it.


"Er. Guys............I um, found her.............." Sam informed the others as he flew overhead scoping out the area. Not sure what else to say, as he caught a glimpse of the vampire that they had been looking for. That they had been calling for since the battle ended. None of them sure what could have happened to her.

"And.........I think we might need Steve............" The Falcon added. The others looking over at the captain, before racing off to find both the ex-pararescue airman and (Y/n). Sam knowing that the others would have to see what he was looking at, to believe it.


The team stopped dead in their tracks, as they came up on the coordinates that Sam had given them. The Falcon coming to land beside them, as they all looked at what lay before them. None of them sure what to think or say, as they watched the vampire. As they took in the scene that looked like something out of a horror story that would make Stephen King, Dean Koontz and even Bram Stoker himself, envious. For there, on what looked like a throne of bloodless corpses, sat a vampire. A blood soaked, angry looking vampire. Her murderous gaze not escaping any of them.

"What the................?"

"Oh, I did have concerns about this." Bruce interrupted Clint. All eyes turning to look at the doctor, as he came up behind them. Bruce clinging at the tattered remains of his clothes after his transformation back from the Hulk.

"Concerns about what...........?" Tony enquired before anyone else got the chance.

"Well........(Y/n) hasn't "eaten" properly in a while. And even though the synthetic blood that I designed for her, has everything in it that she needs to sustain her, it isn't quite the same thing as taking real blood. And now that she has had the opportunity to feed properly.............."

"WHAT, BRUCE............?"

"Bloodlust! A kind of feeding frenzy. Even though (Y/n) has been working with me since she joined us, I still need to learn a lot more about the physiology of a vampire. But I would say that her body may feel as though it has been being staved, and with this glut of blood she just wants to keep feeding to prevent herself from starving again." Bruce explained.

"And how long is this bloodlust gonna last?" Bucky asked, as he came up behind Steve. His hand placed reassuringly on his friend's shoulder.

"That I don't know. I had never though to ask (Y/n) about anything like this. And she certainly never mentioned it. But I would suggest that we perhaps give her a wide birth for a while. In her current state she might not realise what and who we are. All she will see is more food." Bruce answered. He along with the rest of the team, not liking the idea of ending up like the Hydra agents. None of them liking the idea of being the vampires next meal.

"STEVE! What the hell............?" Sam and Bucky called out in unison, as the captain brushed Bucky's hand from his shoulder, grabbed the knife from Nat's boot and slowly made his way over to where (Y/n) sat. Steve knowing that she wouldn't want to be like this. And if there was only one person that could bring (Y/n) back to her normal self. It would be him. The captain placing the blade of the knife in the palm of his hand and cutting. The scarlet, life giving liquid dripping to the floor, as he slowly and carefully made his way over to where the beautiful vampire sat. His heart jumping into his throat, as (Y/n) suddenly rose and elegantly descended down the mound of bodies and made her way over to him. 

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