Daughter of Hades - Part 2 - Loki x Reader

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(Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle as she heard a mutter from the dark-haired young god. The woman smiling at the team as she made her way further into the room; giving Tony a sneaky wink as she moved passed the billionaire.

"Do you have something that you wish to say, Loki. Unwanted, abandoned son of Ice Giants. If so, please at least have the guts to say it out loud." (Y/n) said, as she slowly made her way closer to him. Loki growling under his breath at this woman's sheer audacity and impertinence, as he turned to look at her properly. The God of Mischief trying to hide the fact that he was quite taken aback as he took her in.

"Daughter of Hades............What is that? Who is your father? A god whose lot fell to the underworld. A second-rate deity that.................." Loki began to spout, as he got to his feet and walked towards her. His rant stopping, as he felt something change within him. The young god looking down at his hands and watching them being to wrinkle. Loki turning and staring in disbelief at his reflection in the large mirror that hung on the wall. His hair growing paler by the second. His face now creased and lined with age.

"Loki............!" Thor gasped, as he stepped forward. Fury placing his arm across the God of Thunder's chest. The blonde-haired god not sure what was going on. Nick just giving him a look that seemed to say that Thor should just wait and see.

"Please, son of Odin, there is no need to worry or fear for his safety. All your brother has to do is apologise for insulting my father. You see, I don't take to it kindly. Especially when the one doing the insulting is a creature that was unwanted by his own father, because he was too weak and pathetic to be the future ruler of his real people. For you see, despite the fact that my father and I do not always see eye to eye. That I am not following in his footsteps, no one, but no one, insults him. Unless its me, of course..........." (Y/n) explained. Thor growing wide eyed, as his brother got even older before he and all the others present. The god's cheeks becoming drawn and sallow, as his eyes sunk back into their sockets.

"Loki! Apologies................!" Thor exclaimed, as he looked between his quickly aging brother and the visitor.

"I.............I.............you have my apologies." Loki croaked out in reply, as he fell back into his chair. The dark god touching his face as the words left his mouth. His skin instantly becoming as it had been before he had said a word. The God of Mischief, for once in his life deciding to be quiet.

"See.........that wasn't that hard, now was it...........?"

"Oh, I like her.............." Tony said quietly to Steve. The billionaire giving the daughter of the God of the Underworld one of his usual charming smiles as she turned to look at him and the rest of the team.

"What you just saw is nothing. It is just a hint of what I can do. I could have taken your rather opinionated, arrogant friend there to deaths very door, and then pushed him into the boat of the ferryman himself. He is just lucky that he apologised in time. You see, as I said, no one insults my father but me. For unlike the God of Mischief, I do not have deep seeded daddy issues that really need a highly experienced therapist to work through. Now..........do you think that you could use me............?" (Y/n) asked, as she came to stand before the captain and Tony.

"Oh, I am very sure I could use you.............." Tony almost growled, before letting out a loud and uncomfortable 'oof' as Steve elbowed him.

"What Stark meant; was I am sure that we could find a place for you. Though I think that we should probably keep you and Loki apart for a while." Steve said, rolling his eyes as the billionaire too quickly resumed his composure.

"Yeah, what he said. Now, as my own personal Jiminy Cricket seems to have finished his piece, why don't I show you to some rooms? I have the perfect place in mind, not too far from my own apartments." Tony said. His comment causing the captain to roll his eyes once again, as the billionaire placed the daughter of Hade's hand in the crook of his arm.

"Oh, and just so you know............Loki is no one's friend. Not even Thor likes him most of the time." Tony added, smiling over his shoulder at the glowering god, as he led the new team member out of the room.


Loki had sat with his arms crossed, pouting as the others and their new member sat in the common room enjoying the evening. Thor had told him not to come to the little impromptu "Welcome to the Avengers, scary death lady" party that Tony had said they should have, but Loki had insisted. Stating that he was there first, and he wasn't about to let this upstart daughter of a second-rate god keep him from anything. The God of Mischief mumbling to himself as the others had asked this (Y/n) what else she could do. Loki finally unable to stop himself from making a snarky comment, about the fact that the lady was a, what he believed Midgardians called a "one trick pony", and what he could do was so much more impressive. Thor doing his best to pull his brother to one side so that he could ask him why he hadn't learnt his lesson from earlier on. Tried to tell him that no matter what Loki could actually do, no matter his magic, he could not do what (Y/n) could do. But as usual, and Loki being Loki, he had not wanted to listen. The God of Thunder shaking his head, as he had watched his brother make his way over to the obviously not amused daughter of Hades. Thor pinching the bridge of his nose, as he had seen Loki drop to the floor. It now obvious that (Y/n) could not only age the whole body and bring it to death; but could also affect different parts of the body. His brother now twisted and distorted in pain, as the ravages of age ate at his muscles and joints. The blonde god letting out a heavy sigh, before making his way over to where (Y/n) stood over the God of Mischief and did his best to apologies on Loki's behalf.  

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