The Winter Guard - Part 2 - Tony x Steve x Bucky x Reader

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For a moment, a moment that actually felt as though it had dragged on for hours; the three men couldn't help but stare. None of them sure of what to think about the woman's declaration. All three men sure that they hadn't heard of anyone, or anything called the Winter Guard before.

"Okay..............." Steve finally managed to continue, as he shifted a little in his chair.

"Why are you here?"

"Again............I am afraid I can't really tell you. I don't know how or why I am here. The last thing I can remember was being placed into the chair in the lab. Other than that, there is nothing more than mere fleeting shadows of possible memories. The next thing I know, I am in the city." The woman explained, as she looked deep into the eyes of the man across from her.

"What about this guy you attacked...........?" Tony suddenly asked as he pushed himself off the wall.

"The captain said that you nearly killed him......................"

"I didn't go out of my way to hurt the man. I accidentally bumped into him. But instead of dealing with the situation in an intelligent way, he became angry. He asked me if I were blind or just stupid, and then he called me a dumb bitch before bumping into me. I am afraid that I just acted on instinct..............."

"And what about this place........? What happened here................?" Bucky interrupted. The soldier moving further into the room and coming to stand behind Steve.

"I assure you that that was also unintended. I dropped the man as the police arrived at the scene. I had no desire to cause any problems and allowed them to cuff me and bring me here. As I was brought in and sat down, I could hear the voice of a man somewhere in the distance. He was............he was screaming and shouting. The words were the same as they spoke. In the language that they would use to control me. And I am afraid that something took me over. I didn't mean to damage anything...........hurt anyone. I cannot blame the officers for holding me as they did.................." The Guard explained, as her gaze turned to look at Bucky.

"What is your mission................?" Bucky continued. His eyes never leaving hers.

"Mission................? I have no mission..............All I can tell you is that somehow I escaped from them. Somehow, I found myself here. Other than that................" She replied. Her word drifting off as she turned her attention back to the table in front of her. The woman not seeing as the man that had been leant on the wall gestured for the other two to leave the room with him. The Guard not seeming to notice or care that she was now in the room alone.

"So.................?" Tony asked the two soldiers, as he closed the door behind them.

"What do you think? I mean, if this is one of Hydra's little games, then it's a weird one. Do you remember her, Barnes?" The billionaire continued, as he looked at the door. Wondering what to make of what this.........Winter Guard had just told them.

"No.............I can't recall a Winter Guard. I can't recall her. And I don't know what to think. Its hard to believe that Hydra would let another operative get away from them like that. To apparently escape from right under their noses. When I got out, I had at least begun to remember little things. Remember who I used to be. Remember Steve. But it seems as though she has no similar recollections. And if this is a way for Hydra to start something, I have no idea what it could be." Bucky replied, as he too looked at the closed door.

"Well.............what do we do with her?" Tony continued. The billionaire crossing his arms and dropping himself back against the wall.

"I believe that we have only one option. We have to take her back to the compound with us. As the captain said, they want her out of her. The man that she was in the altercation with doesn't want to press charges. And we can't just let her wander the streets of Manhattan. She could, as we saw as we stepped into this place, be capable of anything. So, possible Hydra trap or not, we have to take her with us. It is the only safe thing to do. And if she does try something, at least we will all be there to deal with her." Steve explained. Tony and Bucky slowly nodding in agreement before they re-entered the room.


"Guard..........." Steve said softly as he, Bucky and Tony made their way back into the room. The woman slowly lifting her head.

"My name is Steve. This is Bucky and that's Tony. We would like you to come with us." The captain continued, as he made his way back over to the desk.

"It is nice to meet you all. And if that is what you wish." She replied. Holding out her wrists to be cuffed.

"There's no need for that. We just want to take you somewhere safe. Somewhere we can help you. Where we can try and help you find out who you really are. What you were." Steve explained. A soft smile coming to his lips, as she reached for her jacket that had been thrown into the room at the same time she had. The Winter Guard pulling it around her shoulder and zipping it up. Reaching into the pocket and pulling out her gloves so that she could cover the metal of her hand.

"I think that I would like that." She replied, as she made her way to the door. Steve leading her back through the destroyed interior of the precinct. The three men ushering her out of the building as quickly as they could, as the cops tried to piece everything back together. Happy looking at his boss and then the woman as he opened the door to the car. The head of security watching wide eyed, as the woman climbed onto the back seat.

"Don't ask. Just get us back to the compound." Tony told him, as he patted him on the shoulder before joining the unusual woman into the car. Happy just shaking his head a little before climbing into the drivers seat and heading back into the city traffic. 

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