Dirty dancing - Part 2 - Logan x Reader

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Logan, Charles, Hank, and Scott made their way into the large room that was already filled with party goers. The mutants looking out over the sea of faces. It was only really the professor that knew the Avengers, or should that be, only really knew Stark and that Doctor Banner guy. The professor, assuring the rest of the team that they would all be introduced on the night of the party. Also saying that he was sure that the two groups had more in common than it may first appear. That he was sure that friendships would flourish, given the right environment. And it was this friendship thing, that Logan was most worried about. Especially when it came to (Y/n).

Every time he had heard (Y/n) talking to either Rogue or Storm, all he had been able to hear was her gushing about one member of the Avengers or another. The feral growling under his breath every time she mentioned the over blown Calvin Klein models, Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. Logan failing to see the appeal. That all they had done was fight in one war, and every woman in the world seemed to trip over themselves to get to them. Whereas he had fought in countless wars, and no one seemed to care, but (Y/n).

"Professor." A soft voice called out. Charles and the other men turning to see a rather gentle looking man making his way towards them. Logan pretty sure from the look of him that he wasn't one of the old soldiers that (Y/n) and the other women seemed to be the most interested in meeting.

"Ah, Bruce. So nice to see you again." Charles replied, as he took the dark haired doctor's hand in his and shook it.

"I'd like you to meet some friends of mine......this is Scott Summers, Hank McCoy and Logan." The professor introduced. Bruce looking at the other men and nodding.

"Doctor McCoy. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I have read your work on mutant DNA. Perhaps we can speak about it later. I am really interested to find out more." Bruce said, as he shook the big blue beast's hand.

"I thought you mentioned bringing some others of your team with you............"

"The ladies, of course. Ororo, Anna Marie and (Y/n) should be here in a few moments. In fact, I believe that they are just waiting for the elevator now. I know that all of them are quite looking forward to meeting your team." Charles explained. Chuckling to himself, as he heard Logan huff.

"Well, perhaps we should get you all a drink. And then when the others get here, I can introduce you all." Bruce continued, as he gestured for the mutants to follow him.


(Y/n) let out a soft sigh, as she, Storm and Rogue stood in the elevator. The box taking them up to the floor on which the party was being held. It was true that she had been looking forward to meeting the famous Captain America and Winter Soldier. That she even quite liked the idea of meeting Tony Stark. Yet the only man that she really wanted to see, was Logan. To see the woman that would be on his arm. The woman that would be getting the benefit of all sore feet that she had had to endure while teaching the large mutant to dance.

A little part of her hadn't wanted to come. For a few moments she had actually thought about claiming that she was unwell. But she didn't want to let Charles down. And perhaps Rogers or Barnes might just be impressive enough to distract her from Logan and his lady.

"Are you ok, (Y/n)?" Ororo asked. The weather manipulator placing her hand on her friend's shoulder. Storm catching the refection of (Y/n)'s face in the shining metal interior of the elevator. Since the professor had told them about the party, (Y/n) had seemed to be the most excited about meeting the other team. Telling not only Ororo, but everyone else about how she would love to find out more about the professor's friend, Doctor Banner. To talk to Rogers and Barnes as well as the host of this little get together, Tony Stark. Yet on the journey from the school, (Y/n) had become quiet. Seemingly lost in some sad thought. Storm just hoping that whatever had caused the change in her, would go as soon as the elevator doors opened.

"I'm fine, Ororo. I was just..........just thinking about something........"

"Yes.........you were probably thinking about Captain Rogers..........." Rogue interrupted. (Y/n) turning and smiling at her.

"Actually, I was thinking about being the filling in a super soldier sandwich, so I suppose that you are half right." (Y/n) chuckled, as she did her best to forget about Logan. Telling herself to just enjoy the night. The mutant straightening out her dress, as the elevator let out a ping, and the door slowly opened.


Logan looked over at the elevator. The feral mutant not hearing a single word that had been said between the other men. All he was interested in, was seeing (Y/n). He had offered to stay behind until she had finished the job that Charles had asked her to do. But she had assured him that she would be fine. That Ororo and Anna Marie had already said that they would wait for her. And that it wouldn't be fair to keep him away from the lady that he had invited as his guest. Logan wishing that he had just told her then and there that the only lady that he wanted to be with, was her. That all the dance lessons had been for her benefit. But he hadn't, and he couldn't help but be angry at himself. Logan just hoping that he hadn't missed his opportunity to tell her how he felt, before the two male models in the form of a captain and sergeant got to her.

"Ah, the ladies." Charles suddenly announced from nowhere. Bruce and the mutants looking over to where the three women had just stepped out. Logan gulping at the large lump that had just formed in his throat. The big feral sure that he had never seen anything as beautiful as (Y/n) appeared at that moment. The party around him seeming to disappear as she caught his eye and smiled.  

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