The Winter Guard - Part 13 - T'Challa x Bucky x Steve x Reader

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Quick note: I know that the MCU has gone to hell in a handbasket; that they seem to be trying to ruin the legacy of a great man like Stan Lee, but that will never happen in my stories. These characters, along with others, helped me through a rough childhood and I will not let them fall, I owe them that. So, our heroes will never die, they will always save the day; T'Challa will always be the king, Loki will always be at his mischievous best, Thor will always be the God of Thunder and Steve, Tony and Nat won't be going anywhere. So, I hope you continued to read, and enjoy. 

Steve and Bucky ran. Only stopping as they saw T'Challa, in his full suit, slide across the floor; the dirt and grass furrowing around him as he moved backwards. For a moment, the two super soldiers prepared to join their friend for the fight. To work with him to defeat whoever was attacking the King of Wakanda; but as they were about to move, another figure seemed to appear from the sky, dressed head to toe in a gun metal grey, suit; Bucky and Steve's eyes growing wide, as they saw something, the symbol of the imperial eagle on the right arm of the person that was now facing T'Challa, the two standing just across for one another in a clearing in the garden.

"(Y/n)!" Bucky said in disbelief, as the Winter Guard and the Black Panther rushed at one another. (Y/n) grabbing T'Challa's arms, as he tried to punch her. The soldiers amazed as the major fell backwards and threw the king over her head.

"They do this every day..............." A voice came, Steve and Bucky turning to see a smiling Okoye.

"They come and practice here every morning. She has come a long way since you brought her here. She has remembered much, even things that she might not want to; but we have all done our best to help her through that; to be there when she has the nightmares. Between her, T'Challa and Shuri, they came up with the new suit, and she grows more confident with it every day. I actually think that T'Challa is regretting it, now that she can beat him................." The head of the Wakandan armed forces explained with a chuckle, as she came to join the two men. The trio continuing to watch the battling titans punched and kicked at one another. Steve placing his hand on Bucky's arm, as T'Challa hit (Y/n), in an attempt to stop his old friend from gallantly running to the major's defence. It obvious to the captain that (Y/n) was giving as good as she was getting.

"(Y/n), T'Challa and Shuri have become quite good friends since she has been here, and I think that our king quite enjoys himself when they are training. She has proved to be quite the most formidable opponent for him. I am sure that he will miss her a great deal, now that you have come for her. Personally, I will hate to lose her too, she is very strong and I would love to have been able to command her." Okoye continued. The two old soldiers turning their attention to her, as (Y/n) and T'Challa continued to fight.

"(Y/n) has missed you. She has mentioned all of you; but most of all, she spoke about you, Sargent Barnes. She was so afraid that she might lose her memories of you. She said that she would rather stay as she was, if it meant that she would forget. She told me, that if it wasn't for you, then she would be lost. That she felt that you were the only one that she had. You mean a great deal to her............" The warrior added with another smile. Bucky once more turning his attention to the fighting pair. A smile of his own pulling at the corners of his lips, as his Winter Guard suddenly pinned T'Challa to the ground. Laughter being heard, as the major released the king. The mask disappearing from (Y/n)'s head, and T'Challa removing his helmet; the heavily breathing pair, looking up into the glorious sky of Wakanda.

"You should go to her................." Okoye concluded, gesturing toward the prone pair, before disappearing with her soldiers.


(Y/n) couldn't help but chuckle, as she lay on her back looking up to the sky, T'challa by her side. She had come to enjoy the company of the king during her time in Wakanda, and he had encouraged her to use what they had turned her into, to take it and become something more. Something better than they could ever have hoped to make her, and she had done that, she was continuing to do that. Her time in Wakanda meaning more to her, than she could ever express. No word of thanks sufficient enough, to express the feelings of gratitude that she had for T'Challa, Shuri and everyone else in Wakanda.

"You beat me again..........." T'Challa suddenly said, as he pulled off his helmet, (Y/n) turning to look at him.

"I am sure that you were going easy on me, my king............." The major replied, as she got to her feet, offering out her arm for T'Challa to take.

"I was trying my hardest.........." T'Challa retorted, as he allowed the Winter Guard to help him to his feet. (Y/n)'s chuckle turning into a laugh at his words.

"Well, I am sure that the outcome will be different tomorrow, T'Challa......." (Y/n) said, as she brushed some grass from his shoulder.

"I don't think that there will be a tomorrow.................." The king responded. (Y/n) furrowing her brows. Her head falling to the side, as she looked at his smiling face. T'Challa placing his hands on her shoulders and turning her. Her stomach in her throat, as she saw Bucky and the captain making their way over to where she and T'Challa stood. Her heart fit to burst, as her Sargent smiled.

"Go to him..............." The king said quietly, as he carefully pushed her forward. Her suit disappearing from around her form as she ran towards Bucky. The Winter Soldier nearly being thrown backwards, as (Y/n) jumped into his arms. Her lips crashing into his, as he wrapped his own arms around her waist. 

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