Oddity - Part 3 - Kurt x Reader

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(Y/n) slowly pulled apart the curtains. A soft, happy sigh leaving her lips, as she saw the bright moon hang heavily in the air. She loved the night. She felt safer in it. She always had. There was something about it. Something reassuring. In the dark, she could appear as herself. She could shrug off the trappings of a mortal, and wander in safety. She could bare her marks to the moon. Could unfurl her wings. Could stand defiantly before heaven and hell and show her mother's people, her father's people, that she was not scared. For she was Nephalem. The divine connection between demon and angel. Yet greater than both.

Slowly, she made her way back over to the bed. She had spent all the rest of the afternoon just lying on the mattress. Her eyes closed, pretending to sleep. Not that she could have rested even if she actually needed to. Her ears picking up the sounds of the mice, nibbling at the drywall. Detecting the comings and goings in the rest of the hotel. The conversations of the mortals that also temporarily called this place, home. But now, most things were quiet. The mice were nesting peacefully. The human's either quietened down for the night, or out, probably at one of the local bars. So now, now she would dress lightly, and make her way out into the cold, clear air, and explore the dark woods that surrounded the small town of Oddity. She would allow her wings to spread. She would fly between the rocky mountain junipers and bur oaks. Twist and turn in the air, as she avoided branch and twig. Then she would climb to the top of the tallest tree and watch the stars. Whiling away the darkest hours, before returning to her room.

Suddenly (Y/n) turned, as she heard something. The loud, heavy ping of the small bell on the desk in the reception area floors below. The sound of a soft voice. A voice that had the calmest tone. A whisper that she had heard often over the last years. A whisper that had become louder. It was the voice that had called her to the town. The voice that had told her to stay. Yet no matter how sweet the manner, (Y/n) couldn't help but think that she had allowed herself to be drawn into a trap. The Nephalem quite aware of how normal and pleasant her father's kin could make themselves appear. How gentle they could sound, if they wished. Though if this was a trap, she was not about to get caught in it.


Kurt, along with the professor and all the others, made their way into the hotel. Kurt doing his best to stay hidden behind the likes of Logan and Scott. His form concealed under the hooded coat that he wore. Despite Charles and the rest of the team reassuring him, he still didn't feel comfortable. Kurt sure that the woman they had come to find would think of him as some kind of demon that had been sent for her. The smell of sulphur every time that he would teleport, not making anything easier. That even though the professor had told him that there was no one better for the job than him, he still believed that Storm, Scott or even Charles himself would do a better job at trying to talk to the woman. To tell her all the things that the professor had told them. But he had agreed. He had said that he would do this. So, do this he would.

Slowly, Charles and the others made their way to the desk. Logan reaching out his hand and heavily hitting the small bell on the countertop. Charles smiling softly, as an old man appeared from the back room. The pale haired hotelier looking over the top of his glasses at him. At the others. Not quite sure of what to make of the unusual bunch that had just made their way into his establishment.

"Can I help you?" The man enquired, as he turned his attention the older man in the chair.

"Yes. You had a young woman check in earlier today. I was wondering if you could tell me which room she was in? I'm a friend of hers." Charles explained. The telepath sensing that the man seriously doubted that he was a friend.

"I'm sorry. No one checked in at all today. Perhaps it was one of the other hotels in town." The man replied. Suspicious that people would arrive out of the blue, when his new guest had informed him that she was just passing through.

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