The Winter Guard - Part 9 - Bucky x Reader

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There were two of them approaching quickly. She could smell them. They were clean. The odour of soap filling her senses as they got closer. A small smile creeping onto her lips. Clean was never a good thing when you were trying to hide. Never a good thing when you didn't want to give your position away to an enemy. And that had always been one of the things that she had done well, hidden. A ghost until she had to act. Until she had to make herself known and take out her target.

Quietly, she jumped up into the tree next to her in one effortless bound. Perching on a sturdy branch and waiting for her pursuers. She wouldn't engage them if she didn't have to, that made little sense, especially given that she didn't have her usual weapons with her. But if they wanted a fight, she would give them one. The Guard moving further into the shadows, as two men stopped in the clearing not far from where she hid.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!?" One of the men called out, as he looked around frantically. His eyes peering up into the pitch-black canopy. The Guard forcing herself to stay in the dark, despite the desire to make herself know. The soldier doing her best to shake the need from her mind. Not sure why she would feel such a strong urge to reveal herself. To make her way over to the man that had just called out that same name again. The Guard shocked when her usual calm and controlled heartbeat, began to race. Her breath catching in her throat, as the man moved further into the light of the moon that flooded the small clearing. Her eyes growing wide, as she saw his face. That face. The beautiful face from her dream.

"Bucky............I don't think that she's here................"

"No, Steve. She's here. She's just confused. She doesn't know where she is. Those nightmares can mess with your head. Take you back to places that you don't want to be. Give you thoughts that you don't want to remember. All we have to do is find her, and then I can talk to her." Bucky countered. The Sargent calling out her name again. The eyes of the two old soldiers growing wide, as they heard a noise. A noise that sounded just like one of Stark's repulsor rays firing up. A dark figure jumping down from one of the tall trees that surrounded them, landing softly on the damp earth beneath them. A glowing hand and beautiful face appearing from the shadows. A sense of relief washing over Bucky, as (Y/n) moved closer.

"How do I know you...........? Why did I see you in my dream? Are you one of them..........?" The Guard enquired, as she slowly took another step forward. Her eyes firmly fixed on the dark-haired man that stood before her. The cool light of the great celestial orb that hung overhead, catching on the metal of his arm. An arm that reminded her so much of her own.

"Buck........." Steve said softly, as his friend began to move towards (Y/n). The captain reaching out to grab Bucky's arm. Steve's eye never leaving the glow from the Guard's hand.

"It's ok, Steve. It's gonna be ok..............." Bucky assured, shrugging his old friends arm away before stepping in front of the Guard's weapon. Holding up his hands as he pressed his chest to her palm. The Winter Soldier speaking softly, as he looked into her eyes.

"Ty v bezopasnosti, moya malen'kaya printsessa. You are safe, my little princess." The soldier told her. Tears suddenly filling the Guards eyes. Her arm dropping to her side, as she fell into his embrace. Bucky cooing softly, as he ran his fingers through her hair. Doing his best to assure her that everything was alright, as the memories of the day's events, of all that she had learnt and remembered came flooding back.


"I'm sorry..........I.........I had a dream. An awful dream." (Y/n) explained, as Bucky sat her down on one of the sofas in the common room. The sargent, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. Steve nodding as Bucky looked at him. The captain ushering the others out of the room, as his old friend couched in front of the beautiful major and took her hands in his.

"I was there again, in that place. But not just there. I was in other hell holes. I could smell the odour of death in the air. Taste the sweat of my victims, in the thick, heavy ether. I could hear screams, tormenting laughter. Taunting voices that I knew would only cease when I put an end to them. A sense of pride, achievement, and...........and an awful kind of happiness taking over me, as I saw them dead. As I was covered in their blood................" (Y/n) explained. Tears rolling down her cheeks, as she looked into Bucky's eyes.

"I'm evil, aren't I? I've killed so many. Destroyed so many lives. I should die myself for what I have done..................."

"No, you aren't evil. They are the evil ones. They made you do what you did. You had no control, just like I didn't.................."

"How do you know I didn't want to do it? Maybe I did............Maybe I enjoyed it. Maybe I happily let them turn me into this........this thing......." (Y/n) countered angrily, as she jumped to her feet. Throwing the blanket from her shoulders. Bucky quickly following her and grabbing the top of her arms. Holding her steady.

"Because I know. You did what you did during the war to help, not to hurt. You were doing the right thing, and they took that and twisted you until you were what they made. Until you were nothing but a shell. Nothing but a machine that they used kill for their own ends. But you don't have to be that anymore. You're free of them. We are free of them. We can be who and what we want to be now." Bucky told her. The Winter Soldier suddenly crashing his lips into hers, as he pulled her into his arms.    

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