In the dark - Part 2 - Sam x Reader

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(Y/n) coughed, as she reluctantly removed her hands from her head. The already dense, damp air around her, now filled with dust and debris. She knew that they should have taken more precautions before they had got to the previously unexplored cave. That they all should be wearing helmets and the right gear for spelunking. But nooooooooooooo. Mister Tony 'I'm sure we will be fine, and we don't need any of that rubbish' Stark, stating that all that would be a bit over the top, don't ya think. But now look............(Y/n) just happy that she had taken some of her own measures before they had made their way to the cave. Clint chuckling at her, as she had slung the large backpack over her shoulder. But now she was glad that she had. For even though all her stuff might not be able to help her, and Sam get past all the rocks and boulders that now filled the area through which they had entered, it might just help them find another way out. (Y/n) suddenly pushing herself up, as she remembered that she hadn't been alone. That Sam had been right with her.

"Sam...........? Sam.................?" (Y/n) called out quietly. Not daring to raise her voice too much just in case it started another cave in.


"What?!" Finally came a gruff reply. (Y/n) breathing a sigh of relief as she heard his voice.

"Damn it. I had hoped that you'd been squished. I can't even get away from you down here." The female Avenger retorted sarcastically, as she sat up and brushed the dirty away from her face. The scene around her darker than anything that she had ever experienced in her entire life.

"And here was I, hoping exactly the same thing." Sam threw back, as he himself sat up and looked around the pitch black.

"Okay smartass. How do we get out of here................?" He continued. The Falcon hoping beyond hope that (Y/n) was as smart as he thought she was. That she would know what she was doing and would be able to get them out of there in one piece.

"Well, dumbo, if you help be find that backpack I had with me, that would be a good start." (Y/n) told him. The pair groaning as they crawled around the floor and banged their heads together. Both sure that they could feel a huge lump instantly begin to grow. But none of that mattered if they couldn't get out.

"Why are we doing this? Can't Stark just blast his way through..............?"

"Well, yes, he could..............if you feel like dying in here. Its not safe for Tony to blast things most of the time as it is, but if he lets off that repulsor ray at whatever has fallen down, we could end up as flat as pancakes. And I don't know about you, but ending my days as a big bloody puddle under a huge boulder, is not something I want to do. We have no idea how unstable this cave system is. No idea what could fall next. Hell, even if the others called on Bruce and got the other guy to move the rocks, it could still do some real damage. One of Hulks grumpy roars could even make more stuff fall on us. So, the best thing to do is help me find my backpack and then hope that we can find another way out." (Y/n) explained, as she moved her hands along the damp ground. Sure, that if anyone could see her, she would look like Velma from Scooby-Doo searching for her glasses.

"EUREKA!" She suddenly declared quietly, as her hands finally found what she was looking for. (Y/n) breathing a sigh of relief, as she found the carbide headlamp and box of matches. Both she and Sam happy to see the little flickering source of light, as she struck one of the matches.

"What's that..............?" Sam asked, as he moved to sit next to her. (Y/n) lighting the old-fashioned looking thing.

"Its just something I picked up a while ago. Its an old carbide lamp. And yes, before you say it, I know that I am weird. But hopefully it will last us until we get out of here. You can have the torch." (Y/n) explained, before handing him the small pocket torch that she had had with her. The soft, warm glow from the lamp making Sam happy that (Y/n) was weird. The two looking above and around them. Doing their best to ascertain the seriousness of their situation.

"So, what now.................?"

"Now...........? So now we try and make our way further into the cave. I think that because this is a wet cave, we might hopefully find where the water is coming in, and equally as hopefully, we find that where it is coming in, is big enough for us to get out." (Y/n) replied, as she got to her feet and offered Sam her hand. The Falcon taking it and allowing her to pull him up.

Okay. He wasn't sure about the idea of going further into the cave. But despite how much he might tease (Y/n). How much they might argue, there wasn't a person that he would rather be stuck with than her. For more than one reason.

"Stay close, okay? If something else happens, its safer that we are together." (Y/n) continued, as she pulled out a length of rope from her bag and wrapped it around Sam's waist, before tying it around herself. The female Avenger then grabbing hold of his hand again and pulling him further into the darkness.

"What's the bungee cord for?" Sam enquired, as he looked between the brightly coloured rope and (Y/n)'s hand that held firmly onto his.

"It's not a bungee cord. It's a dynamic rope and it's designed to absorb the impact of a fall by stretching. We have no idea what we are heading into, and if one of us falls, this will hopefully stop it from being to our deaths. Now, will you stop talking so loudly? I don't fancy the idea of being impaled by a Stalactite." She explained. Her grip on Sam's hand getting a little tighter, as they moved through the cave.  

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