Fly girl - Part 2 - Nick x Reader

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"What...........?" (Y/n) laughed, as she looked at the man sat on the desk next to her.

" Avenger? Yeah, right. Look........ whoever you are........." The pilot continued, as she got to her feet. (Y/n) having decided that she had had enough of whatever this was.

"I don't know if you've missed out on your medication this morning, or if I'm just about to be punked; but people just don't go around offering others a position on the Avengers team. Those guys are made up of heroes, super soldiers, damn gods and gamma irradiated Hulks, for goodness' sake. And if you haven't noticed, I'm none of those things. I am just a simple pilot. A damn good simple pilot, but I doubt that even if you were in a position to offer me that roll, the great Avengers would want someone like me just presenting myself and thinking I could be one of them. Now.........if you will excuse me, I have a date with a plate of lukewarm brown slop at the mess hall." (Y/n) scoffed, as she gave the tall man a small nod before turning and heading for the door.

"My name is Nick Fury. I am the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. I have been watching your career with interest for some time, captain. Its not everyday a woman wins a congressional medal of honour. Not every day you hear reports of what you were able to do. How you put your life on the line to save men that were pinned down behind enemy lines. How you raced through a hail of gunfire to assist with injured personnel. How you took a bullet to the side, and while bleeding profusely, you were still able to pilot your chopper out of the area. Only having your own wound checked once you knew that the men that you had rescued, had all been taken care of. Now........if that isn't a hero, I don't know what is. And if you ask me, you are exactly the kind of hero that belongs on the Avengers team." Nick explained. (Y/n)'s hand trembling as she held onto the door handle. The pilot gulping at the large lump that had formed in her throat, before turning to look at the director.

"'re serious............?" (Y/n) asked, as looked at the stoic man that was still sat on the corner of the desk.

"I'm very serious, captain. And as far as the others on the team not accepting you. I actually think you'll find that you will fit right in. That is if you would like to hear what I have to say." Nick replied, as he gestured for her to retake her seat. The captain hesitating for a moment, before she straightened her jump suit, and made her way back to the desk.

"Ok...........I'm listening............"


"So........?" Nick asked, as he looked at the captain. It apparent that the pilot was a little taken aback by all this.

"What about my job here? My guys? Hammer and the others............" (Y/n) countered, as she looked at the director that was once again sat in the colonel's large, leather chair.

"I am afraid that you will have to leave them. It's a sacrifice that you will have to decide whether or not you want to make, captain. I understand that its not an easy thing to ask. Not and easy thing to do. But rest assured........(Y/n), if you do make the sacrifice, you'll be able to give the people yet another hero to rally behind." Nick explained. (Y/n) eyes dropping to her hands in her lap. The thought of leaving her own little team, not one that she had ever really wanted to contemplate.

"I'm going to give you a few days to think about this, captain. Though if you decide to join us..........." The Director continued, as he pulled a card out from his pocket, and placed it on the desk on front of her.

"I hope to meet you there on the twenty fifth. And if not, it's been a pleasure to meet you, captain." Nick added, before he got up from the seat, and made his way to the door. A small smile creeping onto his lips, as he caught a glimpse of the pilot reaching for the card, as the ingress closed behind him.


(Y/n) looked up at the buildings. The Avengers compound. It was really the Avengers compound. She was at the Avengers compound.

It had taken her up until the very last minute to decide whether she should take the director up on his offer. Whether she should leave all those that she had known and grown with over the past few years. Hammer being the one that had given her the push that she had needed. The mechanic telling her that she would be mad not to do this. That it wasn't every day that ordinary people like them, got a chance to do something like that. Not every day that you got a chance to say that you worked with the world's greatest heroes. Not every day that you got the chance to say that you were one of the world's greatest heroes. The boys making sure to send her off with quite a fanfare, and a hangover that she was sure that she had only just recovered from.

"Ok, so what now? Do I just ring a doorbell?" (Y/n) asked no one, as she looked around. As she looked down at her watch, noting that it was only two minutes to the time that the card said that she should be there. The pilot knowing that she was going to feel like a real dumbass if all of this really was some kind of strange joke. (Y/n) not sure how she was going to explain to Tony Stark what the hell she was doing at his compound.

"Captain (Y/l/n). I'm glad to see you again." A voice said. (Y/n) turning on her heels to find the director stood in a doorway.

"If you'll follow me. The others are waiting in the common room.........."

"The others............?"

"Your fellow Avengers, captain." Nick explained. The director indicating for her to enter the huge building. (Y/n) straightening her jacket and pulling her old army duffle bag back over her shoulder, before making her way inside.

"Of course. Silly fellow Avengers." 

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