The Winter Guard - Part 4 - Bucky x Steve x Reader

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Now there are a few emotive subjects covered in this chapter to do with events that took place during WWII. I have not gone into too much detail, but what I have written, I have done my best to deal with them with the respect that the innocent victims deserve. Innocent victims that should never have had to suffer the atrocities that one man's madness and hatred allowed to flourish. Please read with care if you are sensitive to the subject.

"I wish I could take them away, painful as the memories are, it is best to remember them. It will help us; help you find out who you really are. You weren't born the Winter Guard, they made you into it. Just like they did with me." Bucky explained, as continued to hold the woman tight.

" there anything more that you can remember?" Bucky enquired hesitantly. The Winter Soldier not sure if he should push the point. Not sure how much more the woman could take for the day.

"There..........there were..........soldiers. I wasn't one of them, but I was in uniform too. There were gates. Big gates. And above them was written something.............I..........I can't remember what it said. For some reason its blurred out in my mind. Beyond the gates there were buildings. Lots and lots of buildings. And as we made our way past the barrier, people began to appear from the buildings. Walking corpses that shuffled their way to the wire walls. Their sunken eyes watching me as I passed. Some of them reaching out to touch me. And then...........then there were bodies. Piles and piles of naked bodies. Men, women and children just thrown there as if they were nothing. As if they were trash. It was a nightmare, though I knew I wasn't asleep. It was worse than anything you could imagine. Who...........who am I? Why would I have been there?" The Guard told him. Her eyes wide and filled with terror, as if she were reliving the whole thing right there and then. Bucky able to do nothing more than pull her back to him and hold her close.

"I don't know who you were, or why you were in that place. But, if you come with me, myself and the other men that you met. Our other friends may be able to help you find out. We will do all we can to get back your memories. All you have to do is trust me." Bucky finally told her. The old soldier feeling his heart beat quicker, as she took her head from his shoulder and looked at him through teary eyes.

"I trust you." The Guard replied, as she pulled away from him. Bucky offering her his hand, before leading her towards the compound.


"Anything yet?" Steve asked, watching as Bucky sat with the Winter Guard. The captain turning to look at Tony and Bruce, as the room was suddenly filled with a shocked silence.

After Bucky had persuaded the Guard to follow him to the compound, he had introduced her to Bruce. The doctor, Steve and Tony listening, as the sergeant explained about what she had told him. About the horrors that she could recall. Bruce smiling at her softly, as he had taken her picture and run it through the computer. It now obvious from the looks on the two men's faces, that the system had come up with a match.

"Well?" Steve continued, as he made his way over to where Bruce and Tony were still looking at the screen. Bruce gulping at the large lump that had just formed in his throat, before he could speak.

"Her name if Major (Y/f/n) (Y/l/n). Granddaughter of Count Aleksei and Countess Anya Ivanov. Her mother's family escaped Russia at the time of the Bolshevik uprising and made their way to the US. Her mother, Eugene married her father, a young political hopeful, in early 1918, and (Y/n) was born in 1919. The only child born of the match. Her father would later become the Senator for New York and was a close friend of the Roosevelt's. The Major was fluent in Russian and German, and joined the OSS at its inception. In an agreement between the US and Russia, she was airdropped back onto Soviet soil and was given commanded of a number of companies. She was............she was with the Soviet Forces when they liberated Auschwitz on January 27, 1945. She continued along with them, until she was reported dead in March 1945. Though no body was ever found." Bruce explained, finding it hard to believe that he had just read all that out. That the woman in the other room, had been there when the horror of the concentration camps was discovered. Even Steve finding himself taken aback at the news.

"But there isn't just that..............." The Doctor continued, as he turned to the little that had come up about the Winter Guard.

"The Winter Guard is even more of a ghost than the Winter Soldier was. According to the few reports there are on her, she was used primarily in war zones. Name a conflict since World War two, and she was there. Hydra using her to push their own agendas in political vacuums. Using her to kill anyone, from any side of the conflict that might dare stand in their way. The Winter Soldier was an assassin. This Winter Guard, she...........she's a one woman army." Bruce continued, as he turned to looked at Steve.

"I think that you better tell Barnes." Tony suddenly said, shaking Steve from his thoughts.

"All this is probably better off coming from you two. And at least we know who we're dealing with now. Though what she's capable of, is yet to be seen. I think that we all need to be on high alert until we really find out whether she has been sent by Hydra. If she's more dangerous than Barnes, then I don't want to leave anything to chance." Tony continued, as he got to his feet. Steve doing the same, before making his way from the lab. The captain, taking the short journey down the corridor to the room in which his old friend sat still talking to their new arrival.

"Buck.........can I just have a word with you a minute?" Steve asked, as he poked his head into the room. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he looked at the Winter Guard.

"Will you be, ok? I'll just be outside for a couple of minutes. If you need me. If you think of anything else, just shout." Bucky said, as he looked at the Winter Guard. The lady giving him a slow nod, before the sergeant followed Steve from the room. His brows furrowing as he saw the look on his old friend's face. 

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