Love is blind - Clint x Tony x Reader

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"And what is it we need to talk about?" (Y/n) asked, as the door to the lounge room closed behind her.

"What do you think you are doing?" Clint countered, as he moved to stand in front of his sister.

"What do you mean, what am I doing................?"

"What are you doing with Stark..............?"

"Well.........last time I checked, it was called flirting. A little harmless fun really.........."

"You can't flirt with Stark!" Clint exclaimed, sounding every inch like a disapproving parent. The archer standing there with his arms crossed.

"I beg your pardon? Last time I checked, I was old enough to make my own decisions. I am not a child, and you are most certainly not my father. Do you know how many eligible men there are around here? Men that will even give me the time of day. Well, I'll tell you..........none! And now we have a house full of them, and you expect me to do nothing? To act like a good little girl......."

"But why Stark..........?"

"Why not? Why the hell shouldn't I? He's single, handsome. Who knows, he could spice up my otherwise boring life.............."

"Not while you're under my roof, he won't.........." Clint snapped. The archer only wanting the best for his sister. But sensing that it wasn't coming out that way.

"Under your roof? Under your roof? And why is it that I am under "your" roof, Clint? Why is it that the famous Hawkeye is putting up with his blind sister? I'll tell you why.........Guilt! Let's face it, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be like this in the first place, would I. If you don't want me to be me. To not do what normal adults do. To not have a life. If you think that you can tell me what I can and cannot do, you are very wrong, and perhaps I should just move out................Then you won't have to worry about me being under your roof."

"Is everything ok?" A voice suddenly asked. Laura slowly making her way into the room.

"Lunch is ready." She continued. Sure, that whatever words had gone on between the two siblings, they hadn't been good. Especially given the look on her husband's face.

"Everything is fine, Laura. It's just that I now know exactly where I stand. And I'm not hungry. So, if you will excuse me." (Y/n) replied, as she made her way through the door. Laura and Clint watching her leave. The team in the kitchen looking at one another, as the woman that they had just met, stormed back out of the house.

"Clint............?" Laura enquired, as her husband took a seat on the arm of the sofa and dropped his head into his hands. The archer knowing that everything that his sister had just said, was true. That her life would have been different if not for him. That he was guilty and treating her like a child. Trying to control her. Yet that didn't mean that the words hadn't hurt. Though he knew that (Y/n) was smart enough to know that. That she had chosen everything she had said, carefully, despite, or because of her anger.

"Clint.............?" Laura said again, as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Its okay, honey. Just give me a few minutes, please............" Clint replied, as he placed his hand over hers. Laura nodding slowly, before making her way out of the room.

In truth, arguments between the siblings were a rare occurrence. Clint and (Y/n) had always been close. The archer loving his younger sister a great deal. So, this, this was unusual. And Laura had never seen either of them act like that before. Never seen (Y/n) so angry. Never seen Clint so distressed.

As she made her way back into the kitchen, Laura couldn't help but catch the eye of Natasha. The Widow looking between her friend and the door through which (Y/n) had just left. Nat rising and making her way outside, as Laura distracted the others with lunch.

"If you are coming because of him, you don't need to bother. I have no intention of listening to anything that Clint Barton has to say." (Y/n) said, as Nat made her way to the old oak. The Widow not surprised for a moment that the younger Barton knew that she was coming.

"I'm not here because of Clint. I just came to make sure that you were alright?" Nat replied, as she took a seat on the floor next to (Y/n).

"I'm fine. I am just sick of Clint treating me like a child. I am sick of his guilt. I'm blind, not stupid. I want a life of my own, Nat. I want to be.............I want to be happy. To have the love that he and Laura have. I want to be able to prove to people what I, (Y/n) Barton can do. I am tired of being in his shadow. Of living here and being expected to be thankful for it. I don't want to do it anymore............I don't want to be here anymore." (Y/n) explained. Closing her eyes, as the rays of the afternoon sun managed to creep through the dense canopy above the two women. Natasha quite taken aback by the younger Barton's harsh words. Never hearing (Y/n) talk about her brother, or her life on the farm like this before.

Nat knew that up until a certain age, (Y/n) had been able to see as well as anyone else. That because of something, something that Clint wouldn't even tell her about, that had all changed. Though the Widow had always had a feeling that it had been something that Clint had done. Yet whatever had happened, it hadn't affected the fact that (Y/n) loved her brother.

"So, what do you think about him?" Nat asked, hoping to change the subject.

"If you are referring to Tony Stark, I don't know yet. Though.......I would like to get a chance to find out. I know what have told me about him. About all his glaring faults. But he is a handsome thing, isn't he. And his smile, I'm sure that it could light up a room. Perhaps it would be a mistake, but surly it is my mistake to make.............And speaking of mistakes.........."

"Why are my ears burning?" A voice suddenly asked. Nat looking up to see Tony come to lean against the tree. A sandwich in each hand.

"I'll leave you two alone." Nat said, as she got up from the floor. Giving Tony one of her warning looks before making her way back to the farmhouse. The billionaire taking the spot that the Widow had just vacated, before handing (Y/n) a plate.  

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