Birthday ,gifts and moving out(8)

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"Forget it." Zero murmured to herself after calming down , hands flexing slightly and the sharp end of her claws briefly skimming across her skin. "You have more important things to be concerned about." With that said she moved to the center of the room and she sat down. She breathed slowly and evenly, concentrating on the feel of her chakra and magic. "I need─" She said lowly, "I need to get stronger." She felt her magic, so familiar , light and comforting but dark and dangerous at the same time . Her chakra pulsed like a steady heartbeat, unique to her in its difference. "To be faster. To be stronger . Deadlier .
The air seemed to shift around her, picking up stray dust. A ring of power began to swirl around her sitting form, small but ever so slowing growing and shifting.
Her two power sources were separated but Zero was sure that if she wanted to, she would be able to mix them. Before that, however, she needed more information. For now, she'd try to get to know her chakra better .
It was bizarre to have two sources of power but incredibly helpful. She knew that with this, she'd reach new heights. She was going to become the most powerful shinobi in the world and even surpass her former life power, no matter what.That night led to a very intensive training session . She had a regim of daily exercise that she conducted in her room. It was designed to build up her muscle mass, strengthen her muscles including her core, as well as begin to increase her stamina. She also wanted to build up her speed and she did so by running in the forest, out of sight from inquiring eyes, including shinobi . She even bought special weights that supress chakra and increased the power of gravitation on the user body and the pressure can be increassed with just a thought. They are very useful and beneficial as they help increase speed, stamina, strength and endurance. Not to mention, it had the added bonus of being very discreet.
She was also implementing the chakra exercises that she had read about. At first, it was hard but Zero wasn't someone who gives up that easy . The first time she did the Leaf Concentration Exercise, she failed. Spectacularly.The leaf in her hand had, bluntly, has been totally obliterated .She had stared confused at her hand before trying again with another leaf. She tried to put less chakra, which was very hard. Her chakra felt like an ocean that was trying to be chanelled through a small point but she applied her own magic control methods, and found it a bit easier. It would still be necessary to put a massive amount of practice but Zero was willing to put the effort. The second time the leaf stuck to her face but quivered weakly on her face before falling, fhe third time she tried to use as little chakra as possible and the leaf stuck to her firmly. Still, she wanted nothing but sharp precision so she stuck multiple leaves all over her bodies. She understood that generally, only a small portion of shinobi used all of the tenketsu and she wanted to be a part of that. She tried meditating throughout the process, trying to practice her control unconsciously so it would become second instinct, almost akin to the automatic regulating of chakra when a shinobi mastered water walking and tree walking.That was what she did as well. She practiced in her own room, uninterrupted. She had sent the minimal amount of chakra in her feet, preferring to slip than to unintentionally destroy her room. It was easier to do than the leaf exercise, she found, but she didn't let her success get to her.Water walking took a lot of effort. She had gone into the woods, which, she found was very peculiar. The forest radius is about ten kilometres filled with hordes of flora and fauna, often gigantic, poisonous - or even more likely, both .Within the forest are several large and deadly creatures such as leeches, tigers, and bears.She had sensed the peculiar energy that strongly permeated the forest and a brief thought brought the image of the Shodaime. It made sense then. The First Hokage must have made the forest with his Mokuton , and the chakra that was left behind increased the vitality and strength of those that dwelled within it.She found a river once she wandered inwards, and she had taken a brief moment to appreciate the sight. The trees in Konoha were so tall and green, towering over those of Earthland as well as others in the Elemental Nations she was sure.
She had walked towards the river, expecting to get dropped into the cold waters more than once. She had sent chakra into her feet in an even thin strat before placing a foot on the surface of the water. She knew that the ability to walk on water and on surfaces was common and a necessity but it still interested her. Zero has never seen anything like it in Earthland.
The resistance that she was met with surprised her and she had tentatively placed the other feet in. She let out a breath of relief and took a few unsteady steps. Not a moment later, she plunged into the river . Zero easily resurfaced a moment later with a sigh. She went back to the river bank and tried again just to meet with the same end. She tried again, and again, and again each time increased her duration. It was hard, especially considering that the flow of water was inconsistent and she had to regulate the amount of chakra accordingly. If she could master her chakra control in her feet, which was the most difficult, then everything else would be easy.
Each day was the same. She was ignored by the inhabitants of the orphanage, though they still whispered behind her back and gave her looks of fear and disgust. She was left to fend for herself, which she could do.She went through her daily regim of exercises, which increased her flexibility, agility, strength, stamina, speed, and endurance.She also tried to visit the library as many times she could. Each time, Daiki greeted her with a smile and an amused glint in his eyes. He helped her with whatever she needed, never once asking questions regardless of what book she checked out which ranged from history, introduction of poisons ,legends, to chakra and nature transformation and even introductory medical texts. Sometimes, she even encountered Masashi.
"Another weird combination?" Daiki remarked as he eyed her selection.
" History Heroes"A voice read and Zero looked behind to see Masashi staring down at her with a puzzled look. Another shinobi wasn't far behind, this one someone she didn't recognize. She'd long memorized the names of those that she commonly saw on her way to the library, like the shopkeepers and stall owners that she passed as well. "The Founding Clans? Uzushio, Konoha's Sister Village. Weapons and you. " He read, increasingly incredulous. "What the hell?"
With each title read, Zero's face remained as poker faced as before "Hn~ They're usefull to me Masashi-san! " She said. Daiki laughed lowly. "Leave her alone Masashi. At least she reads for fun and doesn't treat it like the worst chore in the world, which is more than I can say for you." He mocked, smirking at the offended face Masashi made at him.
"Shut up Daiki." He said before turning back towards Zero. "Why do you have so many books anyway? Don't you go out and play or something?" He asked.
Zero glanced sideway at him "I spend a lot of time alone, Masashi-san. The other kids don't like me much but I don't mind." She said truthfully. She didn't rally want friends let alone ones that judged others by the words of others, that didn't follow their own opinions and held such unwarranted hatred in their hearts. "Besides, I got the books to occupy me for my birthday."
Daiki and Masashi both stared at her blankly, trying to register the words in their minds.
"Yeah, no." Masashi said, throwing Zero's books into his bag without a care. He hefted Zero up to his shoulders without a word, ignoring her glare. He turned and began to walk out the library. "Let's go Daiki! Leave the desk." He said, his voice leaving no room argument.
The encouragement wasn't needed as Daiki was already following closely behind. "Take over for me ! Thanks!" He didn't pay attention to the sputtered replies nor the sounds of confusion coming from the other shinobi present. He casually walked near Masashi, who had placed Zero over his shoulders.
The two men exchanged glances, nodding a moment later.
"Let's go Dai-chan!" Masaru said as he leaped towards the rooftop.They went from rooftop to rooftop until they arrived to their destination. A sign read Akimichi but Zero was mostly focused on the intense savory scents that came from the restaurant. Her mouth watered and her stomach gurgled with hunger. She's never smelled anything so good in her life. She shook the thought away.
"What are we doing here Masashi-san?" She asked.
Masashi gave a small huff of laughter. "It's your birthday right kid?" He said as he walked in. "Like hell are you spending it alone."
Daiki nodded as they sat down in a spare booth. "I can't believe the other brats don't like you. You're a smart brat."
Masashi placed Zero next to him, gently and absently patting her head. So cute!~ He thought. "They're just jealous. Don't listen to them Zero-chan." He said. "Have you decided if you wanted to join the Academy?" He asked curiously.
Daiki turned his attention to the silver haired little girl. He saw her regularly, at least twice a week and somehow, during that time Zero endeared herself to him.
Damn his soft heart but he couldn't say no to her. Since the first time they met, Daiki had been curious about her. She had been so small when they'd met, so fragile that Daiki was half afraid she'd be blown away with a gust of the wind but there was an aura of strength around her and her gaze that seems to see in the deepest parts of your soul had stopped him, made him wonder. She was smart too and damn if she wasn't a genius. He knew that he'd do anything to protect her and by the look in Masashi eyes, he would too.
Zero tore her gaze away from the menu and blinked. "Ah, that." She murmured. "Yes, I've decided to enroll in the Academy once I turn eight." She answered . "I joined because I wanted to become stronger... for many reasons and I figured that I could start with the Academy."
"I figured." Daiki said, a smile on his face as well. He reached into his own pocket and took out a scroll. He placed it atop the table, unrolling it and revealing a sealing array.Zero looked on curiously, wondering what he was doing when she spied Masashi doing the same and unrolling his own scroll. A sealing scroll? She wondered.
Simultaneously, they placed their hands atop the array. There was a small cloud of smoke before it dissipated. A small pile of books was revealed as well as what looked like a pouch, akin to those that shinobi commonly wore, as well as a box.
"Happy Birthday then, Zero-chan." Daiki said, pushing the pile of books towards Zero.
Masashi did the same with the pouch and box. "Happy Birthday!" He said cheerfully.
Zero stared imcomprehensively but before she knew it her lips curled up in a beautyfull smile. She had been fully prepared to spend her birthday alone but it seemed like fate had other plans. face. "Thank you !" She said, standing in the booth and giving Masashi a tight hug before doing the same to Daiki.
The two-shinobi smiled in satisfaction and contentment.
"We're at Akimichi's kid, order whatever you want! Everything's good!" Masashi said.
They stayed there for a long time. They ate the most delicious food that Zero has ever tasted and they were waited on by the kindest waiter that she's ever met. She figured that they were the famously talented cooks, the Akimichi. The trio talked and talked about anything and everything. They laughed, they had fun and Zero knew that they became her precious people. She knew that she'd help them in any way that she could.
They left a few hours later. Daiki and Masashi personally escorted her home and left with heartfelt goodbyes, reminding her to not let the words and actions of others get to her.
"Remember," Daiki said, leaning down to be at eye level with Zero, "they don't matter, Zero-chan. You just worry about yourself, you hear?" He said.
"Dai-chan's right." Masashi said, disregarding the other's glare, "Besides, none of those brats have half the talent that you have. I know that you're going to be one hell of a shinobi kid." He gave Zero a smile.
Zero gave both a small smile. "Thank you..." She said
For the week afterwards, Zero was so happy that she completely forgot about her anoyances with the gross behavior of the others inhabitants of the orphanage. She had been surprised at the gifts that she had been given but they had been incredibly useful. Daiki had given her books on chakra control, nature transformation and elements, introductory as well as slightly advanced medical texts, as well as fuinjutsu.
The books helped immensely. Her chakra control skyrocketed and she could water walk and tree walk without a thought now. She read about the different affinities that a shinobi could have and she already found out what they were. Wedged in between the pages of the book was the paper that allowed one to see their affinity.Zero had carefully fed her chakra to the paper and watched split in four before one part wrinkled , one became damp , another paper catched on fire and turned into ash and the last paper turned to dirt and crumbled away.
Masashi had given her a set of kunai and shuriken as well as a holster colored black. She hadn't wasted anytime to begin practicing with them. The first few times had been hard but she had seen enough shinobi with them to have some semblance of an idea on how to utilize them. If she had learned anything from her past life though, was to treat any weapon as an extension of yourself.
Regarding the medical texts, she had read it through thoroughly first. She took healing seriously and she could see that what she was studying was a lot more in depth. It was complicated but it wasn't something she was willing to pass by. If it would help her then she would definitely do her best to perfect it. There weren't any techniques in the book but that was fine. There was more to learn first. It was only a matter of time, and then, she'd begin.
Her marks had been slightly off and each time she had thrown either a kunai or shuriken they hit slightly off center. She was close but it would take her more practice since this body hadn't wield weapons for as long as her former body but that will be rectified in no time.
The most significant thing that happened however was when she moved out of the orphanage. The headmistress had heeded her word and kept her distance but it seemed that she wouldn't let her anger fade as long as she resided there. She found other ways to annoy her. There was never enough food left over for Zero, as it seemed that she always missed breakfast, dinner, and lunch by a margin. The pantries were also empty each time she checked, and she checked even during odd hours. Zero was forced to go buy her food with her own money more than a few times or going hunting in the Forest of Death. There was never any hot water left over for her, was never given decent clothes, could never find shoes that fit her , and while all of that weren't really a problem seing that she had all she needed in her requip dimension from her former life or can simple create it with her magic it still annoyed her.It was one thing after another and Zero finally decided that enough was enough and before she deceded that killing all people there was a great idea she went into the Hokage Tower. She had politely requested to see the Hokage. The secretary had looked at her incredulously and she was sure that she would have been turned down or killed the woman , if it hadn't been for a very familiar shinobi passing by.
"Hey, you're that kid that Masashi and Kota are always around!" Aoba said, pointing a rude finger towards Zero.
Not far behind were other two shinobi. One held a scarred face and was looking towards Zero curiously. Another was a woman, she had long black hair and deep red eyes, reminding Zero of the famed Uchiha Clan that she had heard and read about just that they were missing the commas that the Uchiha.

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