Plans for the future (19)

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Zero eyes snapped open as she stared at her ceiling.She sighed heavily, sitting up in her bed and staying there for what seemed like an eternity. She felt tired and her body felt heavy. The last thing she wanted to do was leave her bed but the world wouldn't wait for her. That, she knew.
She let out a sigh as there was a knock on her door.
"Zero-chan?" The familiar sound of Daiki voice called through the door. "Breakfast is ready."
Zero closed her eyes for a moment, pushing the dream she had to the back of her mind. "Right," she replied, "I'll be right out!" She slid out of her bed, head turned to the side slightly as she sensed the shinobi linger slightly outside of her door.
"...Make sure to be quick. You know how hungry these idiots get. They'll eat everything before you get the chance to!"
Zero smiled slightly and she sensed him retreat. Her steps didn't make a sound as she retrieved her clothes.

She pulled on a pair of durable stockings as well as a pair of black slightly heeled shinobi sandals that reached her shin

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She pulled on a pair of durable stockings as well as a pair of black slightly heeled shinobi sandals that reached her shin. She ran brushed her hair , staring at her reflection in the mirror and turning her gaze to the hair adornments atop her desk before sighing softly.

 She ran brushed her hair , staring at her reflection in the mirror and turning her gaze to the hair adornments atop her desk before sighing softly

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"I need to hurry..." She murmured to herself. "I told Naruto-kun and Uchiha-san to meet up with me today but neither of them know that I invited the other." A small frown formed on her face even as a feeling of fondness surged in her. "They'll be at each other's throats if I'm not there... But at least they're getting along better than they used to. I guess that's because the three of us have been spending a lot more time together."
She sighed softly, the tension in her lessening ever so slightly as she left her room. She smiled as she was met with the sight of various familiar shinobi loitering in her living room and kitchen.
"Good morning everyone!" She said.
"Morning Ze-chan." Seiji greeted, looking away from his bowl of fried rice.
"Good Morning Zero-chan!" Masashi said, a wide grin on his face.
Genma smiled at the Zero in greeting, hitting Aoba in the ribs who was still groggy with sleep. "Hey Zero."
Zero greeted everyone, stepping around the shinobi that were in her home. It was weird to have so many people in her tiny apartment but she wouldn't have it any other way. Her apartment didn't look so desolate anymore. The presence of the shinobi was evident even when they weren't there. It was in the things that they left behind, such as a stray kunai or holster. The additions of various pieces of clothing to her closets. It was even in the now constantly heavily stocked kitchen.
She placed the stack of bentos that she had prepared the previous day in her bag. They were heavy, filled with a hearty healthy meal. It was something that she had prepared for what she was going to do today, that being, training with both Naruto and Sasuke. She had thought about it for a long time and she had important things to discuss with them that could no longer be put aside. Today could be the day where one of her goals comes to fruition.
"You alright kid?" Genma said, leaning against kitchen counter with his arms crossed. He had asked because Zero looked like she hadn't gotten enough sleep. It was something that concerned him of course, how could it not, considering that she had all but saved his friend's life for nothing in return. Most would have selfishly taken advantage yet she hadn't.
Zero gave Genma a reassuring smile, taking a small bite of onigiri. "I'm fine Genma-san. I just have a lot to do today, is all."
"Well..." Genma sighed, "if you say so."
She swung her bag to her shoulder and she made sure that she had everything that she needed with her. "I need to go everyone!" She called, hurrying to the door as she gave everyone a bright smile. "Have a good day!" She said happily.
There was immedietly a chorus of replies.
"You too!"
"Bye Zero-chan!"
"See ya."
Zero shook her head fondly as she made her way out of the apartment complex and to the now familiar training grounds that was the Forest of Death. She made sure that no one was following her and took care to sense and smell that she was alone.
They're almost here, she thought . I just hope that they say yes.
She made her way to the familiar clearing with the stream and she perched herself atop a rock, waiting for Sasuke and Naruto to arrive. She closed her eyes, humming under her breath and tilted her head slightly to the side as she sensed the others approach.
"Zero?" Naruto called and then a moment later, "Sasuke?"
"Naruto." Sasuke greeted curtly, "Zero."
Zero opened her eyes, greeted by the sight of the two she thought of as friends. "Uchiha-san. Naruto-kun." She greeted, a tentative smile on her face. "I asked you two come here for a very important reason."
"Training?" Naruto said, a blond eyebrow raised.
Sasuke turned his gaze to the blond, a small frown on his face. "Training?" He said, turning back to Zero as comprehension dawned on him. "You've been helping Naruto train as well?"
Naruto's eyes widened. "You've been training the both of us?" He said confusedly, not as angry as one would think. There was a question on his mind however. "Wait, how the hell do you find the time for that Zero-chan? What about your training?"
Sasuke looked towards her silently, eyebrows taut in contemplation.
"I have enough time with my own training, Naruto-kun." Zero said, idly swinging her legs. "I usually just give you advice and suggestions and oversee you for a while to make sure that it is done correctly remember? I do the same thing with Sasuke." She explained, gesturing to the silent Uchiha with a hand. "You're both smart and I'm sure its much more satisfying to achieve success on your own. You just needed a little nudge to get there." She said softly as she slid off the rock, moving to stand in front of them. "That isn't why I called you here however."
Sasuke and Naruto exchanged glances before turning back to Zero.
"Then..." Naruto started slowly, shifting slightly on his feet in unease. "Than why did you call us?"
"I thought that it would be much more beneficial if we trained togheter ." Zero admitted, eyeing the two . "I didn't want to say anything at first but I do consider the two you my friends." She said
Sasuke's eyes widened ever so slightly. Friends? He thought, a feeling of uncertainty rising within. She told me that before but do I... do I consider her a friend? Isn't she just an acquaintance to me?
"Zero-chan..." Naruto murmured softly.
Zero took a deep breath, determination surging forth. I can't hesitate now! "I consider the two of you my friends." She repeated, her voice strong. "I've gotten to know the two of you better in the past few years and I've enjoyed hanging out with the two of you at the Academy but I also want us to be something greater. I want us to be a team!"
Naruto let out a small sound of shock, her words stringing together in his mind slowly. "A team?"
"Zero..." Sasuke said, standing straighter. "Do you know what you're saying?"
Zero nodded resolutely. "Of course! I want us to be a Genin team together. I want us to become stronger together! Stronger than the Sannin!"

 I want us to become stronger together! Stronger than the Sannin!"

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She said . "I know that we can do that together! The two of you have talent unlike I've ever seen! You have more resolve than any of the others in the classroom and I can relate to the both of you easier than them as well."
"Stronger than the Sannin..." Naruto said, in shock. "You think we're capable of that?" He felt vaguely uncertain, felt the years of being called incapable rearing its head but the sheer confidence in Zero eyes...
Zero nodded. "Yes . Your potential is on an entire another level than the others and I know that we can. I know that we can become the stuff of legends together!" She turned to the Uchiha, knowing that he would be the one that would be harder to convince. "I know that you may be skeptical Uchiha-san, believe me I know. But I consider you a friend." She said, trying to string the words together so that he could understand. "I know that you're strong and I know you would reach great heights, with or without my help. I also know you've been through a lot... We all have."
Sasuke looked away from them for a moment. His brother's words haunted him to this day and he knew that they would always but when he was around Zero and Naruto, it seemed like the ghosts of his past weren't so prominent. It felt like he could actually relax around the two, didn't feel the heavy expectations and presumptions from those he couldn't care less about or didn't know him. What Zero was saying was something he had occasionally thought about, only now Naruto was a new variable. He himself saw the potential that Naruto held. It was astounding that they were the only ones who saw it. Naruto showed himself to be a completely different character than he had thought he was and the Uchiha had long since realized that he no longer tolerated the other... He could admit to himself that there were times that he looked forward to seeing them.
"I want that." Naruto said softly, eyes full of longing. "I want that." He repeated, turning to the Uchiha a moment after. "I have to say this teme, I do consider you a friend. You grew on me like fugus." He sighed, smiling softly as he heard Zero snort, "You're not as much as an asshole as I thought. You're just a very quiet guy and I get why you seem so uptight all the time. I would be too if I had those harpies coming after me and spouting the crap they do all of the time... I consider Zero-chan a friend too. And I want that. I want us to be team together, to be the best in Konoha."
Sasuke didn't know what to say. At all. He could feel their expectant stares on him and he closed his eyes. He remembered the way that they often laid on the Academy rooftop, staring at the sky and eating the hearty bento's that Zero often shoved at them in comfortable silence.

He thought about how he worked with Zero only, Naruto now included

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He thought about how he worked with Zero only, Naruto now included. Thought about the way that they actually challenged him, didn't treat him the way that the others did. They didn't pity him, didn't give him unwanted sympathies, and didn't hesitate to speak their minds. The feeling of comfort that he gained from them... it was so different from the oppressiveness that he felt everywhere else.Sasuke opened his eyes, a small smile on his face. He already knew his answer. "Yes," he answered.

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