A cat (23)

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Zero was thinking about the future while walked home toward her home, arms laden with grocerie.
I wonder who our sensei might be... She thought, her mind flashing back towards the various shinobi that she's met as a 'medic'. It has been an enlightening and wonderful experience so far and Zero knew she wouldn't change it for anything. She had wondered often whether or not she should become a medical shinobi but she didn't like the fact that she might be taken off the field and possibly stationed in hospitals or the thought of following the rules that had been established. Medics were supposed to be supporters, as the legendary Tsunade had said, but Zero was definitely not for the side lines. When passing an alley she stopped abruptly. She turned, head tilted to the side as she stared curiously towards the dark alley.
"Am I imagining things?" She muttered to herself but then she heard it again, a soft sound that sounded strained. "No... Something's inside the alley." She walked into the valley, eyes searching carefully and she easily spotted what it was that was making the cry.
It was a cat with dirty brown fur and there were two distinct markings on its forehead. When the cat caught sight of her, it hissed ferociously and Zero stopped in her steps, keeping a bit of distance between them.
Zero leaned down, putting her bags aside as she stared at the cat. It looked as it hadn't eaten in a while and it looked cold. She made a small sound of sympathy as she offered a hand toward the cat.
"It's okay." She murmured, trying to reassure the frightened cat. "It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."
The cat hissed at her again, its form tensed and ready to lash out.
Zero stayed where she was, hand still outstretched and waiting patiently.
It took a long time before the cat's tense form relaxed slightly and it approached her cautiously, sniffing at her hand curiously. Zero carefully and slowly petted the matted fur, murmuring nonsensical reassurances as she went. The cat sat utterly still and it tensed under her touch again as she carefully gathered it into her arms. It shivered violently with the wind but Zero hurriedly soothed it as she gathered her belongings.
She quickly made her way home and it seemed that today was the day that she was the sole being in the apartment. She placed aside her bags and she grabbed a few old blankets, the cat still held gently in her grasp. She wrapped the blankets carefully and she made her way to her room, placing the cat atop a pillow on her bed.
Zero tucked the blanket around it, soothingly running a hand up and down its back. "Poor thing," she murmured, "It's too bad you don't have a collar... I can't call you cat all day either so maybe..." She tapped contemplating on her chin, "Ko-chan?" She said with a smile as the sound of a rumbling purr reached her ears. "Don't worry Ko-chan, you'll be safe here."

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