Sparing and wonds treatament (13)

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Zero made her way to the Academy.

As she made her way across the Academy grounds for the first time in a while she could feel the pointed stares that were aimed at her, hear their whispers behind her back

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As she made her way across the Academy grounds for the first time in a while she could feel the pointed stares that were aimed at her, hear their whispers behind her back. She heard them quite clearly with her hearing but she gave no indication that she heard them.
"Oh my god, isn't that her?"
"What is she doing here?"
"I thought for sure that she would be expeled after what happened last time!"
"I know right?"
"I don't know... I heard what happened but I think that they deserved it for what they did..."
"Y-Yeah but I mean..."
She walked on, heading straight to her classroom. She headed straight to her usual seat, noting idly that Sasuke had yet to arrive. As she turned her gaze across the room she noted the shy presence of the Hyuuga in the back of the room along with an equally as quiet Shino. As Zero sat patiently in her seat, her classmates began to steadily come in and take their own seats as well.
More than one took a double glance at her, as if her being there confused them. She noted that many of them weren't able to look her in the eye as she glanced their way. A moment later the door opened again and Uchiha Sasuke walked in, hands in his pockets and gaze apathetic. His eyes lingered slightly on Zero and she gave a nod in greeting. There were girls vying for his attention at once, more than one declaring their love for the Uchiha. Some of the girls even brought presents as if that would help to gain the Uchiha's favor and Zero watched in a sort of horrifyingly fascinating way. For some reason, she was reminded of the Vulcans that tended to dwell within the mountains of Mount Hakobe.Iruka stepped in not long after, his gaze demanding that they all take their seats which they did so quickly albeit reluctantly on behalf of the girls.
"It's good to see you all back here again!" Iruka said, a smile on his face as he took in the excited faces of his students, some more so than others. He lingered his gaze on a few of his students for a few moments. "Today is the beginning of the second year of the Academy. Don't get too comfortable though, as this year and onwards, your studies and training are only going to intensify." He warned. "But still, I hope everyone learned from last year and takes things a more seriously this year," A dark smirk that promised much suffering formed on Iruka's face, "because you're going to need to!"Iruka cleared his throat and continued. "Anyway, today we start with sparring to see at what level you're at." He said, eyebrow twitching in irritation at the groans and protests that ensued, especially on behalf of the girls.
"But sensei─" A girl protested.
"It's barely the first day of the Academy!" Sakura said, green eyes wide with worry.
"Yeah!" Ami agreed. "And our clothes will get dirty! I spent hours getting ready!" She said, motioning with an arm to her carefully styled hair and clean clothes.
"What will Sasuke-kun think?" Ino said despairingly.As the Slayer glanced towards the dark-haired boy next to her, she once again spied the flash of irritation and anger on his face. I think, Zero thought, that Uchiha-san might not even care. At all. He reminded her sort of Laxus and if they really were anything alike, then she knew that they wouldn't have a great tolerance towards such blatant weakness.
"There's no but, if's, or what's! You're all doing it! Now follow me to the Academy Training Grounds!" Iruka yelled, his tone leaving no room for argument.
The Academy Training Grounds were unlike Zero own training grounds, which was the whole Forest of Death and she found herself mildly disappointed. She had to remind herself that normal shinobi didn't go to the Forest of Death to train. It was called the Forest of Death for a very valid reason, that is the sheer dangers that dwelled within.
The grounds were a stretch of land that was cleared away. Posts for weapons training lined the edged one side of he perimeter and they looked to be well maintained.

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