Graduation (22)

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"Alright class," Iruka said, clasping his hands together. "Today is the day of your examination. Today is the day where we determine whether you become Genin! If you pass, it would be the beginning of your journey as shinobi. His eyes surveyed his students, lingering worriedly on Naruto, whom to his immense irritation, was sleeping atop his desk.

Zero, seeing his gaze, stealthily nudged at Naruto and the other awoke with a weary gaze. She gave an internal sigh of fond exasperation. "Pay attention Naruto." She whispered, "Iruka-sensei will get angry if you don't."

Naruto nodded as he hid a yawn behind a hand. "Sorry Zero-chan. I was up all night─" Naruto was going to continue but Iruka beat him to it and his countenance demanded attention.

"You're going to proceed to the testing site and then begin your exam." Iruka continued. "The exam is based on the transformation and clone technique." Iruka said, eyeing the various expressions on various of his students. "I wish everyone the best." Iruka added genuinely after having called their names as well as their testing area.

When they were dismissed to go to their testing areas, Zero turned to Sasuke and Naruto. She gazed at them determinedly.

"I'll see you guys later okay?" Zero said. "We can go eat afterwards to celebrate."

Sasuke blinked slightly in confusion before understanding dawned. She's not wishing us good luck because she already knows that we're going to pass. He glanced to the blond beside him and he could see the sharp grin on the other's face and there was a familiar glint in the other's eyes that he was sure was echoed in his own.

"Tomorrow we'll be sorted into teams." Naruto mused aloud. "And when," not if, "we're sorted into teams, that's when the shackles come off, right?"

Sasuke and Zero nodded.

Sasuke resisted the urge to activate his Sharingan as there was a sort of frenzy for battle rising. He could see it in the dangerous undertone of Zero serene face, something to be feared but no one noticed the danger that it promised. Not yet, but they would soon. Naruto was the same. Sasuke could see it with every passing day in how Naruto became more calculating and something more akin to a predator, something feral. It was in Sasuke too. He could feel it within himself, feel the undertone that promised pain to those who challenged him, to those that sought to harm them. Everyone would see the promise that their team held and Sasuke would be damned sure that it would be known that they weren't the type to be messed with.
"Tomorrow." Sasuke said, voice tight.  Kami, he could almost feel the Sharingan surfacing.
Zero gave a light giggle, leaning forward slightly as she clasped her hands and smiled, purple eyes sharp and gleaming under the light. "Tomorrow."
They left the classroom and as they walked, students hurried to get out of their way. They could sense that there was something off, sensed that it was in their best interests to do so. Why it was that a feeling of dread welled in them when they passed, they didn't know nor did they care to find out why.
It wasn't a good idea to challenge their instincts after all.
Zero, Naruto and Sasuke all went their separate ways without a word.
Zero made her way to her assigned classroom, her steps absolutely silent. She stood in front of the desk which held very familiar Academy teachers, one Saro-sensei and one Suzuka-sensei, a kunoichi that was trying very hard to steer young girls to be proper kunoichi, which often resulted in mixed results. They both sat behind a desk, which was the only piece of furniture in the room, and on the desk were various headbands in blue and black.

 They both sat behind a desk, which was the only piece of furniture in the room, and on the desk were various headbands in blue and black

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