Chapter 13

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Tsuchi Pov
We walk a couple of hours in silents before I see the village gates. When we get closer I frown at the state its in, the guards look so weak that they'll fall over if I blow on them.

"State your name and business." Yuzumi-sensei hands over our orders to the taller of the two, "We're Team 13 of the Hidden Leaf we're here to deliver a scroll to Lord Matanso." I don't miss the look in there eyes at the mention of his name. He hands back our passes, "Go ahead Lord Matanso is waiting for you."  We walk inside and I chew the inside of my cheek. Everyone from the kids to elderly along with the buildings where in bad condition.

"What's going on here..." Kai whispers even Airi look angry at the condition everything is in. We finally make it to Lord Matanso mansion only to find it in no better condition. Yuzumi-sensei knocks on the door and a women opens the door. She leads us inside to the main room, Lord Matanso was sitting at his desk.

He looks like he's in slightly better condition than the people of his village. He looks up at us with his tired purple eyes, gray visable in his hair.

"Ah you must here to deliver the scroll from Lord Hokage." Yuzumi-sensei nods and steps forward setting the scroll on his desk. He opens it and a mix of emotions flash in his eyes. He puts it down and covers his face with his hands, "Thank you for being this you four are dismissed." Yuzumi-sensei, Kai and Airi turn to leave but i don't move and inch, "Tsuchi let's go."

I ignore Yuzumi-sensei and step forward gaining Lord Matanso attention, "Sir if you don't mind me asking what is going on." He looks me up and down before leaning back in his chair, "Why is a young shinobi like yourself interested in this? Just what is your name?"

"My name is Tsuchi Senju my lord, and I'm interested because with you're village being long time allies with mine I think its my duty to help." He smiles slightly and I can feel Yuzumi-sensei come back behind me, "Tsuchi this isn't our mission." I know I'm going to be in deep trouble for this but I can't ignore it. Airi joins my side, "I agree with my teammate my Lord we want to help."

My head snaps towards her surprised that she's actually agreeing with me, "I-Im with them as well so if you tell us maybe we can help." Yuzumi-sensei sighs, "You three are going to be the death of me."

She mumbles and I look up at her cheekily, Yuzumi-sensei rolls her eyes with a small smile flicking me in the nose. Lord Matanso chuckle, "This team seems to be quiet the handful, and you're the Senju princess correct?" I cringe a little, "Hai." He looks at me amused leaning back in his chair, "Well if you must know we've been having trouble with bandits they've been attacking our merchants and carrying out raids on my village. I would pay the Village Hidden in the Leaves the amount for an A-ranked mission but the messenger was attacked a few miles from here."

He lowers his gaze, "Sadly he was badly injured and the medics we have here say he might not make it." I feel a new presence enter the room, "And whose fault is that Tousan." A boy our age looks at Lord Matanso with the same eyes as his but with hate and sadness.

"Ichigo....." Lord Matanso looks at him with sad eyes, "Im going to lose my Oniisan because of your cowardness." He runs out the room without another word, "Lord Matanso let us stay and help you, me and Kai are training medics maybe we can help."

"I'll send word back to Lord Hokage and with this one insisting on staying here I'm sure he will allow it." Tears gather in his eyes and he stands bowing his head, "Thank you I could never repay you for this." He leads us to the room where his eldest was in, Ichigo looks up at us then stands.

"What are they doing here?!" He glares at us , "Ichigo there here to help us and Daisuke." He scoffs but steps back so me and Kai can get on either side of Daisuke. "Kai takes the bandages off his torso and tell me what were dealing with." I pulled out my medical scrolls getting all sorts of herbs and medicines out, "Were dealing with two stab wounds in his lower stomach that went threw his back. I'm thinking a sword, he has multiple cuts and bruises on his upper torso."

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