Chapter 7

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Tsuchi POV
After the whole thing with Kakashi I just went home. Kushina-nee asked me what was wrong but I just felt so drain today. So instead I went upstairs and took a nice long hot bath. I must have fallen asleep because loud banging on the door startled me. "Tsuchi get out here dattebane!!! You've been in there two hours and we have guest!!" Dang two hours talk about how time fly's longest bath ever.

Changing into a big fluffy blue sweater with black leggings I head downstairs. My eyes widen in shock as I see the old man sitting there with someone I didn't expect to see so soon. Sasuke and Itachi Uchiha mother, the women who gave birth to those monster shinobi Mikoto Uchiha. My finger twitchs as her deep charcoal eyes meet my turquoise ones. She smiles at me but that smile along with eyes scream, 'I'm a deadly bitch don't mess with me!' Ahem excuse my language that should not be coming out a three year olds mouth or mind.

Kushina-nee looks at me confused, "Eh why are you standing there like a statue come sit down." I shyly sit down next to her and I see the old man amused by my sudden shyness. Mikoto smiles at me warmly, "Ohiyo Tsuchi it's an honor to finally met you. I'm Uchiha Mikoto and Kushina talks about you a lot." A smug look appears on my face as I glance at Kushina-nee whose cheeks were tinted pink. "It's nice to meet you to Uchiha-san." Kushina-nee jaw drops as the old man chuckles and Mikoto laughs softly. "Ehhh since when have you been polite dattebane!!" I shake my head and look at the two across from us, "So what brings the two of you to our lovely home." They both go serious making me and Kushina-nee do the same. The old man take out a paper I instantly recognize as the test that got me free ramen. Me and Kushina-née look at the score with wide eyes, "Holy bananas I didn't know I was that smart!" The third puts his pipe in his mouth, "As you can see you are a very brilliant child just like your Obaasan said you were."

My eyes soften and I feel a lump in my throat, "She said that?" My voice barely above a whisper as Kushina pulls me into a side hug. "Yes she did Tsuchi along with many things but one thing is for she is that she believed you will grow to do amazing things. And I for one agree completely with her I have seen how you interact with everyone in the village. That is why when you become of age you will become a Hokage of the leaf." My eyes along with the other two widen in shock they mustn't have known. His eyes soften in he gives me a reassuring smile, "You Possess a very strong Will of Fire that will always put others before yourself. I know this is a lot to process but I don't have any doubt this is the right choice." A stupid grin comes on my face, "All right I'll do it old man!" Kushina-nee looks at me like gaping fish while he chuckles at me. "I had a hunch you would agree therefore I will send a message when will begin to go over everything you need to know."

I look at him confused, "Why can I just start coming now old man I mean I don't have anything else to do since you told me not to go to the academy anymore." He nods his head, "With your score like this it will be a waste of time sending you there. But you will not have anytime in these next few day to come because starting tomorrow you will begin training with your sensei." I begin to jump up an down in excitement, "Yosh I get a sensei!!!! Ooo is he/she nice, good looking, powerful??" I make eye contact with Mikoto and she smiles brightly but kind of scare. "I would hope I am powerful enough for you Tsuchi."

Processing what she just said I squeal and throw myself on her startling her. "Even better you're so pretty, strong, nice, and scary I like it!" Realizing what I just said and did I immediately let go and look down at the floor embarrassed. "G-Gomen Gomen I get to excited sometimes." She laughs softly and pulls me into a hug, "It's quite alright Tsuchi I'm glad to be you're sensei too. And Kushina was right you are adorable." My head snaps to Kushina-née and jump into her arms. "Ya Kushina-née talks about me and I'm going to be a shinobi just like you." She giggles and ruffles my hair, "I'm so proud of you dattebane! And don't worry I'll be there every step of the way Imouto I promise. We lock pinkies smiling like idiots at each other until there was a click. Mikoto looks at us with a sheepish smile, "Gomen but you two are really like sister and the moment was to kawaii." They all laugh as my face starts turning red, finally gramps and Mikoto-sensei decide it's time to leave. Mikoto-sensei looks at me sternly, "Come to the Uchiha compound at 7:00 sharp." Her sharingan comes to life and I felt my soul leave my body.

It's official the sharingan is scarier in real life than on a tv of phone screen. "Or there will be severe punishment understand." I merely nod and stutter out, "H-Hai." She says her good byes to Kushina and walks away. Gramps digs in his pocket and pulls out a worn out protector and hands it to me. The cloth was half red, half black and metal was the same, along with the symbol outline in white. "It was your Tou-san's he was a unique shinobi that deserved a unique headband. And I think you deserve the same." My eyes water as I trace the konoha symbol, "Do you think they will be proud of what I'm doing."

He puts his hand on my head, "You have made all of your clansmen, father, and mother proud." I wipe my face and look up at him, "Then I promise not to let any of you down!!! Just you wait I'll become the strongest shinobi ever and protect everyone!" He chuckles along with Kushina and bids up goodnight. After that me and Kushina just talk about a few things then off to bed.

But I couldn't  sleep so rolling off my bed I head to my window. Which as luck would have it showed a stunning view of Hokage rock. I reach my hand out making a fist at it and the stars. 'I Senju, Tsuchi vow on this second chance of life to always put others before myself. To never back down from a fight no matter how the odds are stacked against me. I will surpass all previous Hokage and shinobi protecting this village. Nothing will stop me as I push myself passed my limits. And I will not give up my dream of peace until my last breath.'

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