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My name is Sofia Smith and I'm 21 and life is awesome! I don't mean to toot my own horn but I'm a certified genius. Here in Japan I design next gen computers, but right now I'm on vacation. Its my mothers birthday and I'm going to make sure it is the best. "Hai hai I just picked up the cake now I'm on my way." I stop at a crosswalk and a little girl and her grandmother were right next to me.

Suddenly the little girl runs into the road making my eyes widen. A big truck comes honking at her, and on instinct I tackle her out of the way. Not before the truck hits me even if it was just a graze it hurt like hell. My ears start ringing and I see many people surround me. There lips are moving but I can't hear anything what are they saying. My eyes start to feel heavy as flashing lights come into view. Its starting to get harder to breath my lungs feel like they are on fire!

I close my eyes for a minute next thing I know I see nurses,and doctors. There rushing me somewhere, next thing I see my brother and my parents. My brother was crying I never seen him cry and my mom was sobbing into my fathers shoulder. I reach out and touch her hand, "H-happy b-birth-day Kaa-chan." She smiles at me weakly and lets go of my hand as I go these double doors. My eyes roam around as I'm hooked up to machines.

They put a mask on my face as I stare at the light thats on top. Maybe if I take a nap it wouldn't hurt next thing I know I'm staring at my own body. It was all bloody and my leg didnt look like a leg. My heart monitor shows a straight line I my eyes start to water. I c-can't die not on her birthday, my soul I guess drifts to the waiting room.

The doctor was talking to my parents and brother with a sad face. My mother falls on her knee's sobbing hysterically as my brother an father hug her. It breaks my heart seeing them like this, at least that little girl can live her life. I put my hand on my brothers shoulder and his head shoots up. "If you can hear me tell kaa-chan and Tou-chan I love them and I love you so don't sulk and live your life for the both of us." He looks me dead in the eyes and smiles weakly but nods. As in a light appears right next to me and I walk into it.

So this is the afterlife huh no what I picture it. Why is it so dark and squish what's going on. I feel myself being pushed out and there's another blinding light. I cry because its so freaking cold and who ever is holding me has cold hands. "Congratulations its a girl what will her name be?" I hear a weak voice, "Tsuchi S-senju p-please take care of her Obaa-chan." I get passed into a warm arms and some reason I calm down opening my eyes. A women with red hair and brown eyes touches my cheek. "Y-your g-going to b-be c-cared for b-by your g-grandmother a-and your cousin. B-be a good g-girl for them okay a-and know Tou-chan and Kaa-chan love you."

Her hand falls limp and I start crying and I get passed off to another lady with red hair that seems older. She coo's at me, "Don't worry my little slapping Grandma Mito is here." I calm down a little as she gives me a sad smile. Wait did she just say Mito isn't that the first hokage wife's name from Naruto. "Tsunade meet your cousin Tsuchi Senju." I see a younger Tsunade look at me with tears in her eyes.

"Don't w-worry l-little brat ill take care of you." I grab her finger as she wiggles it at me, I giggle trying to lighting up the mood and it seem's to work. So I am in Naruto huh maybe I can change a few things. And it seems I don't have any parent's, my kaa-chan died on my birth. This life already sucks why did I have to be reincarnated.

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