Chapter 15

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Tsuchi Pov (3 days later)
We all gather in Lord Matanso mansion around a small map of the village. Besides Team Yuzumi the only ones allowed to this meeting was the captain of the village guards and obviously Lord Matanso himself. For all we know they could have people here watching our every move.

As shinobi we can never be too careful, right now we where looking at a small map of the village.

"Okay so we all agreed then that since Lord Matanso mansion is in the center of the village it will be the safest place to put all the villagers. And with the underground bunker Tsuchi and I made it should be able to fit everyone down there." Lord Matanso rubs his chin in thought, "And while your team is out fighting what will the guard do?"

Yuzumi-sensei eyes dart across the map, "They'll surround the mansion as its last line of defense. If some of the bandits manager to slip passed us. Your village is small but its still a lot of ground for four people to cover."

I chew the inside of my cheek, "Sensei I can create a few clones and leave them here at the mansion too." She shakes her head, "We can't risk it we don't know the enemies numbers. You could end up using up chakra that could very well save your life." I nod in understanding Airi opens her mouth to say something when the whole ground shakes and an explanation goes off in the distance.

Kai's eyes widen, "T-There here sensei!" Yuzumi-sensei curses under her breath, "It sounded like it came from the south side of the village. Airi you and Tsuchi go to the north side Kai you'll go with me. Lord Matanso get your citizens here and keep them safe."

He nods with determination in his eyes, "I will you four be safe out there." We all rush outside screams could be helping as the civilians rush towards the mansion. Airi and I take to the roofs and it doesn't take long for use to get to the edge of the village. Bandits where destroying things and setting stuff on fire.

I weave threw a few hand signs, "Wood style wood binding jutsu!" As soon as I land on the ground tree roots shoot out of the ground wrapping around at least 15 bandits like snakes.



Airi wasn't far from me taking out bandits with her lighting covered kunai. She's really gotten stronger that's for sure, I duck under a punch shaking my head slightly.

I have to focus otherwise I could end up dead.

(Small time skip 30 minutes)

I pant lightly as I look around at the unconscious bodies around us. This took more out of me than I thought no wonder Mikoto-nee trained me so hard.

Wiping my katanas off with my shirt I walk over to Airi who was sitting on her butt panting heavily.

"You okay?" She looks at me with a tired expression, "I need food." I can't help but laugh lightly and I hold my hand out to her.

"Come on we should go see how Yuzumi-sensei and Kai are doing." At first I didn't think she would actually take my hand. But much to my surprise she takes it and pats me slightly on the shoulder, "You know your not bad for a tomato."

I raise a brow, "Thanks I guess?" I take a step but freeze on spot when I feel intense Killing Intent.

"To think this lot lost to two little genin, ill tell you Akihiko its hard to find good help now a days."

"Your telling me but these two look like they could be fun to play with until Yuzumi gets here." I turn around slowly and come face to face with two men who look identical. They both had blonde hair with blue eyes, one had a scar running across his face while the other didn't. I glance at there headbands and I let out a short breath.

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