Chapter 21

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Tsuchi pov (2 days later)
I mentally cheer when the Feudal Lords estate comes into view. Arata has been getting on my nerves, well everyone's really. And I'm sure if they could Minato-nii, Kakashi and Obito would probably kill him......

Once we make it threw the guards we're taken to the main room where the feudal lord was with the rest of his family.

"My, my Arata my boy you finally return." He hugs his son who squirms in his arms, "Tousan stop at once I'm not a little kid!" Arata shouts backing out of his grip, "Now Ototo you know Tousan is just affectionate." An older boy with black spiky hair and onyx eyes steps forward smiling kindly towards us.

If I didn't know any better I would think he was an Uchiha. He steps towards us and bows slightly, "Thank you all for returning my Ototo home safely I hope he didn't cause you any trouble."

We all bow, "Its no problem my Lord it is our duty to protect you. Now if you excuse us we must return to the Hidden Leaf."

"Nonsense spend the night and get some rest its far to dangerous to travel at this time." Madam Shijimi says softly joining her oldest side, "My wife is right I know you two are S-ranked shinobi but you do have your teams to think about."

The Feudal Lord says directly to Yuzumi-sensei and Minato-nii. They both glance at each other before giving an answer, "We accept your offer and thank you for your hospitality."

"Wonderful the servants will show you to your rooms and bring you dinner." Luckily all of our rooms where down the same hall, I lay down on the bed sighing slightly. I didn't really want to stay I wanted to go back and eat Kushina-nee cooking. Sitting up I got towards the window and open it up.

Easily swinging my legs over I sit in the window enjoying the breeze. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "Come in!" I shout thinking it could be Kakashi, but I'm surprised when I see its the Feudal Lord's oldest son.

He comes in closing the door behind him, i move to stand but he stops me.

"No, no that's quiet alright mind if I join you?"

"Of course not my Lord." I scoot over so he can sit next to me. Our legs dangling against the wall of the house. I keep my guard up ready just in case he slips, good thing this is a big window. He makes a slight face, "Please just call me Seiji."

I nod slowly, "Alright Seiji, I'm Tsuchi is there something I can help you with?" I question I mean its kinda weird that he came to my room.

He seems to realize it too and smiles awkwardly, "Right it probably weird considering we literally just met. But you seem the most approachable, and i just have a few questions...." He trails off uncertainty in his voice, "Ill answer them the best i can but whatever it is you'd probably get better answers from my sensei's."

"True but i want to hear it from someone whose just starting out. Whats the shinobi life like?" This catches me off guard, "It's um I don't really know how to describe it..."

I trail off thinking for a second, "Its hard I'm not going to lie but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world." Seiji turns his head towards me more, "Care to elaborate?"

"I guess the training we go threw is harsh and once we do become shinobi we tend to lose friends we trained with and people we know. Some of the missions we go on require us to put our lives on the line or sacrifices it. But on the few missions I've been on shown me the good we do. I've made a friend or two as well and it just feels good to help people who can't help themselves."

He hums taking on what I've said, "I've always dreamed what a life of adventure would be like." I raise a brow in question, "When your next in line to become the Feudal Lord your not exactly aloud to go out as much." He explains, "True if you don't mind me asking how old are you?"

I can't help but question, "14, why?"

My eyes widen in surprise, "Really I thought you where 18 or something!" He mocks offense, "I'm not that old I'm just a year older than Arata. How was he by the way?"

I deadpan, "He was trying to flirt with me the entire way here. And I pretty sure he pïssed off everyone on the team." I pause thinking about Rin and Kai, "Nevermind, everyone but two people." He sighs in response, "I'm sorry about him, having gotten everything handed to us made him this way." I tilt my head, "But you didn't come out the same." I say bluntly causing him to chuckle, "That's because I did get my taste of adventure when I was young, I was kidnapped."

My jaw drops, "Don't worry I was rescued that same day by Leaf shinobi. But I guess that experience changed me in someway and showed me not to take things for granted."

Before I can say anything else there's anothef knock at the door, "Come in!" I shout and this time its is Kakashi who comes into the room. He looks at me then Seiji and narrows his eyes slightly, "My Lord, Tsuchi I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Seiji swings his legs back over and I follow soon after.

The three of us stand there awkwardly for a moment, "Well thank you for the lovely talk Tsuchi."

He takes my hand and kisses my knuckles, I can help but blush slightly. Seiji bows slightly toward Kakashi before basically running out the room. Rubbing my cheeks I finally calm down and turn my attention to Kakashi who was glaring at the floor.

"What the floor do to you?" I joke lightly, "What was he doing in here?" Kakashi ask sternly lifting his head up meeting my gaze, "He just wanted to ask what shinobi life was like and once I told him we just started talking."

I say shrugging slowly making my way towards him as he grumbles in response, "I don't like him either."

"Awe someone sounds jealous." I tease lightly, laughing when he huffs and turns his head away from me. I use this to my advantage and place a kiss on his masked cheek.

I could feel my face heating up as I back away noticing his ears gaining a tint of pink. He slowly turns his head back towards me a softer look in his eyes. And he slowly uncrosses his arms, "I came to check on you." He says calmly, "Well as you can see I'm perfectly fine Kashi no need to worry." I turn to walk towards the bed when he pulls me back.

I tense up as he wraps his arm around my waist and rest his chin on my shoulder. I slowly relax ignoring the butterflies in my stomach, "Kashi?"

"When we get back go on a date with me." I try to turn around and face him but his tight grip prevents me from doing so.

"Sure, Kakashi I'll go out with you." He finally lets go of me and I spin on my heels smiling at him cheekily, "I knnneeewww you liked me~." I say in a teasing tone, he rolls his eyes in response but I could see the happiness in his eyes.

"Whatever, close your eyes."


"For once don't argue with me and close your eyes." I huff but do what he ask and not a second later I feel his unmasked lips on my cheek.

I freeze on spot as he moves away from me my eyes remaining close.


I don't respond, "Tsuchi open your eyes."

Again I don't respond, "Tsuchi." He says more sternly and I slowly open my eyes no doubt my face matching my hair. I could see the smirk under his mask, so I do the most reasonable thing and punch him in the arm.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"You didn't let me see your face you ass! You know how long I've been asking to see it damn it!" I shout back causing him to chuckle, "Your so dramatic." I push him towards my door, "Get out then." He laughs some more and let's me push him out and I slam the door shut. I slide down the door smiling widely.

I can't believe this is happening, things have been going great for awhile now nothing can go wrong.

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