Chapter 6

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Doe's POV:

"I swear they're not always like that," Xander attested as headed back to our room.

That dinner was certainly... interesting.

It definitely gave me a more clear picture of the family dynamic.

The obvious disfavor their dad was showing towards Nico, from what I could only assume to be from the lack of finding a wife that Xander mentioned earlier today.

And the awkward yet knowing looks Xander and Caroline would share every time the other men in the family engaged in their petty disputes.

The blatant glares she'd send to her husband that would... sometimes work in shushing him for a short time.

That and Nico just looked completely distracted. In a specific whay that I hadn't seen on him before.

The food was great though. Can't complain on that end one bit.

And Khloe and I had our own seats beside our respective brothers.

Other than the scorching hot tension between Nico and his father, all in all, it was a decent experience.

"I'll take your word for it," I eased. I think he was almost embarrassed by what had happened between them, "I do like your mom so far though."

I could've sworn I've given Xander the same look I saw on her on countless occasions.

There was a soft laugh mixed with his relieved breath, "I'm glad to hear it. I'm betting that she'd like you two if you ever got the chance to talk one on one."

"And exchange embarrassing stories about you?" I quipped, not at all expecting the genuine, warm smile the thought put onto him.

"You two would have a lot to talk about then," He concluded, scooping up a pile of papers that sat on the small table beside his door.

He flipped through all of them, handing something to me.

"What's this?" I asked, looking over the thin magazine-esque thing.

"It's a catalog," He spoke as he opened the door, "For your new clothes and stuff. Mark off the things that you want, and it should be here by tomorrow morning."

I gave it a quick flip through while I stepped in.

"And the rest?"

He looked over the remaining parers and file envelopes.

"Citizenships stuff that I have to fill out," My heart sank at the words, "Since I lived in the Bronwyn territory for a bit, even as a prince I gotta fill these out and redesignate my status. One of these is probably written up by my mother, filling me on in what changes they've made since I've been gone."

Oh okay... it's not for me then.


"Sounds like we've both got something to keep us busy," the sudden scare luckily didn't show in my voice.

"For a little bit. This shouldn't take me too long."

So he says, but we were both aware of how easily distracted he can be.

Although... maybe here, in a place that he actually cared about, it would be different.

He tossed the assortment of mail onto his desk before plopping down into his chair there.

I swiped up a pen from it, readying myself to redo my entire wardrobe while sitting comfortably by the fire.


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