Chapter 45

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Doe's POV:

I slowly made my way back to my room, biding my time through these empty hallways.

Still trying to fabricate a plan.

I'd realized quickly that planning things wasn't exactly a skill of mine.

I used to try to avoid it at all costs back in Bronwyn's territory due to the high possibility that it was going to fall through, but that wasn't a problem here.

The problem was my inexperience and unsure self as to how to start this.

The few books I've read didn't exactly provide a step-by-step guide, and I didn't feel like I could gauge more answers out of Khloe without digging myself into a deeper hole with this nonexistent book.

Should I tell him or ask him?

Tell him that I love him versus asking him is he loves me?


I think I've seen more of the first, but it was always in a desperate sort of panic that the words were spoken.

That didn't feel like me.

There wasn't any sort of panic that came with loving him

Desperation? Maybe, but a different kind for sure.

Maybe less desperate and more of just an ever-lingering longing.

I let out a quiet sigh.

Maybe this is just one of those 'You'll figure it out in the heat of the moment' type things.

Xander is hard to predict, that's for sure, so maybe my planning will be as ineffective as times before.

The real question was when.

I wanted it to be soon without question.

The first idea that popped into my mind was the next day we spend out in the town.

We typically got enough privacy than for me to comfortably pull that off.

My walking stopped, head lifting a few inches at an unfamiliar sound.

Well, the sound itself wasn't unfamiliar I just wasn't used to hearing it in this setting.

The soft tune of a violin carried beautifully through the halls from where it was being played.

The real question was, where was it being played?

I put my previous thoughts on hold for the moment, seeing up my gait and following the music.

It took a few more turns before I found the correct room, eyes rounding as soon as I peeked through the open door.

Xander had been dabbling a bit with the new violin he got, I knew that, but I just then realized that I'd never seen him properly play until now.

The room was filled with a variety of musical devices, foam padding against the walls, a piano tucked into the corner, shelves and shelves of books and sheet music alive, stools and music stands like the one he had in his room.

Yet he wasn't using any of it, instead, he was standing in the middle of the room facing a tad bit away from me and playing something from memory.

That, or he was just making it up on the spot.

Either way, it sounded amazing.

He was playing major key from what I'd heard so far, yet he played most of the notes with a slow, melancholic pace.

Just to crank out like 20 consecutive notes perfectly and then return to the prior pace.

It was mesmerizing to look at in a way.

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