66- Poor Pillow Family

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Tanya's POV:

When I had confessed my love or rather say blurted it out; I never thought that it would ever be reciprocated. But it did. IT DID.

'Raghav loves me too'. I wanted to jump up and down out of happiness. He loved me. Yes! Yes! Yes!

"I am so sorry for saying this in the plainest way possible. I actually wanted to do something sweet for you while expressing but...", Raghav spoke sheepishly.

"The way doesn't really matter. It is enough for me that you love me. This confession wasn't plain, but very very special", I assured him.

"Are you sure? You seem to be a type who like grand things". Raghav still looked unconvinced.

"Hmmm, so do you want to go on your knees and propose me?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

The look on his face was hillarious. I also felt a little sorry for him yet I couldn't help but burst out laughing. He looked so uncomfortable that it was so cute.

"Breathe. I was just kidding", I whispered, patting his heart.

"I...I can try if that's your wish", he tried to look confident but he failed miserably.

"Instead of that tell me when did you realize", I gave out a bargain.

His relieved smile was to die for. Oh! My sweet sweet nervous husband.

We both went to sit on the bed as he prepared his answer.

"I am not sure when it started but I was sure when we were on the beach. Havelock Island was the place I realized my love for you", he answered, joining our hands.

"No wonder you couldn't tell me", I remarked, remembering what happened at the end.

"Wait a minute! Where you already in love with me when..."

This was unbelievable!! I thought I tricked him with a peck on his cheeks but instead I was the one who was being played.

"I was so worried. You probably laughed at my condition. You are so bad".

I started hitting him softly with my hands. He totally made a fool of me.

"I didn't do anything. It was all you", Raghav laughed, making me increase the speed of my hits.

He caught my wrists midway, making my heart beat faster than the bullet train.

"Let me make up for it", he said in a slow voice, before softly pecking my cheeks.

He looked me with loving eyes as I sat there like a statue, albeit a blushing one.

"So about the honeymoon?" He asked.

I didn't think it was possible for me to blush even harder, but it did. My cheeks were on fire.

I slowly nodded, not having the courage to speak up.

"Man, look at you. You literally took the 360° turn. Until now, you were making fun of me but now you are getting so shy", Raghav chuckled.

In response, he received a flying pillow on his face.

He threw it back at me, and we started hitting each other. We just couldn't handle being romantic for more than few minutes. We seriously didn't have a romantic bone inside us.

As our fight continued, I started feeling sorry for the pillow. No one in our house let him or his family alone to rest. We always dragged the whole pillow family in our banters. Rest in peace!!


I started packing for my honeymoon. It baffled me how fast the twins worked. It wasn't even a day when Raghav asked me about it, and the next day Rishi had prepared everything from the tickets to hotel.

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